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Caryn's Current Recommendations...

The Florida Manatee Biology and Conservation by Roger L. Reep and Robert K. Bonde; 189 pages; Hardcover by University Press of Florida; ISBN-10: 081302949X; ISBN-13: 978-0813029498; May 2006.
Booklist Review: Manatees, slow-moving marine mammals found in Florida and the warm waters of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, are much beloved but little known. Until recently, books written about the manatee have been either for children or for scientists, an oversight this current work seeks to redress. Reeps and Bonde, each with more than 20 years of experience researching the manatee, have produced an introduction to these secretive animals for the general reader. Covering all aspects of manatee biology, they delve into both the scientific literature and the anecdotes of fellow manatee researchers to create an entertaining and comprehensive primer on manatee biology. Covering evolution, daily lifestyle, movements, the brain and behavior, and the rehabilitation of injured animals, the text not only discusses what we know about manatees but also points out unanswered questions. The biggest threat to manatees is humans, and the endangered status of manatees is woven throughout the narrative. This concise, impressive book is the best available on the Florida manatee and is a must-buy for libraries in manatee habitats and highly recommended elsewhere. --Nancy Bent, American Library Association.

Mysterious Manatees by Karen Glaser (Introduction & Photographer) and John Elliott Reynolds; 187 pages; Hardcover by University Press of Florida; ISBN-10: 0813026377; ISBN-13: 978-0813026374; July 2003.
Book Description: Mysterious Manatees is a synergistic partnership between photographer Karen Glaser and writer and scholar John Reynolds, two of the nation's leading interpreters--one artistic, one scientific--of the life and underwater habitat of the manatee. This union of science and art makes for a compelling exploration of the manatee through two independent essays--one textual, one visual--in a book addressed to both specialists and a general audience. To some, an emblem of the tranquility and beauty of natural Florida, to others an obstacle to fast-track growth and good times, the endangered Florida manatee arouses the passions of those who have encountered it and the curiosity of those who have only heard about this huge, enigmatic inhabitant of Florida's coastal waterways. The book opens with Reynolds's scientific account of the interactions between people and manatees, describing the history of manatee hunting, relating what is known about their early distribution and survival, and clarifying the debate about whether manatees are native to Florida. Reynolds also discusses manatee biology and the features that make the animal especially vulnerable to human activities. Reynolds's complete and authoritative account of manatee biology, management, and conservation concludes with a gallery of plates featuring Glaser's remarkable panoramic photographs. Glaser�s 52 beautiful duotone prints capture an intimate, distinctively natural vision of manatees in their own environment, an underwater world illuminated only by the sunlight above. The manatees were photographed in all the diverse conditions that comprise their environment: mud, muck, clear water, rain, sunny or cloudy weather--all illuminate the forms of these magnificent animals. Mysterious Manatees will appeal to wildlife professionals, amateur naturalists, environmentalists, and lovers of fine photography as a unique combination of fact and image that provides a compelling sense of the mysterious presence of these large yet gentle and graceful sea creatures.

Manatees: Natural History & Conservation (World Life Library) by James Powell; 72 pages; Softcover by Voyageur Press; ISBN: 0896585832; (January 2003)
Book Description: Manatees covers everything that manatee and dugong fans need to know about this much adored species. This book is for nature enthusiasts, environmentalists and, of course, manatee lovers. It offers to a popular audience scientific insights and information in a readable manner. Life history, reproduction, social structure, size, weight, foraging habits, and physiology are just some of the areas of the manatee's biology that Dr. Powell presents with fascinating facts and amazing photographs. Manatees also explores an abundance of topics and issues related to these well-loved creatures. Dr. Powell describes manatees' place in mythology, current research around the world, threats to manatees and their habitat, and what may keep them from becoming extinct.

Manatees & Dugongs of the World by Jeff Ripple and Doug Perrine (photographer) 1999. Softcover - 144 pages by Voyageur Press; ISBN: 0-89658-528-X NOTE: My copy has arrived! You won't want to hide this one on the bookshelf. The magnificent photographs in this book set it in the "coffee table" category. And, the content is informative, too.

Editorial Reviews The sirenians, as scientists call them, are familiar denizens of the world's subtropical waters, well known to visitors to the Red Sea, the Florida keys, and Australia. In ancient times, around the world, these creatures, the manatees and dugongs, were thought to bear a magical kinship to humans, giving rise to stories of mermaids and sirens. Surprisingly, writes marine biologist Jeff Ripple, little was known about the sirenians until the late 1940s, when Florida-based scientists began to study them closely. His book, well illustrated with large-format photographs by Doug Perrine, interprets these scientists' findings for a general audience. Ripple offers accounts of the behavior and life ways of the Trichechidae, the family that embraces the West Indian, Amazonian, and West African manatees, and of the Dugongidae, which includes the dugong and the now-extinct Steller's sea cow. He also describes conservation efforts that have been undertaken in recent years, with mixed results as populations of wild animals continue to decline around the world. To protect the remaining sirenians, Ripple writes, will require controversial measures, including restrictions on the development of waterfront land and on boating in manatee and dugong habitat. The time for such measures, he adds, is growing ever shorter. --Gregory McNamee --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Book News, Inc.: Numerous color photos accompany the text to introduce the natural history of the four living species of sirenian, including the Florida and Antillean subspecies of the West Indian manatee, the Amazonian and West African manatees, and the extinct Stellar's sea cow. Ripple, a(natural history writer and photographer, provides details on topics such as evolution, range, movement and habitat use, physical description, senses, anatomy and physiology, among others. He also devotes one chapter to sirens... read more --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Rain Forest in Your Kitchen: The Hidden Connection between Extinction and Your Supermarket by by Martin Teitel and Jeremy Rifkin. 1992. Island Press. Hardcover. 120 pp. A practical guide designed to inspire average Americans to wield their consumer power in favor of protecting the world's plant and animal species. It offers compelling evidence that by slightly modifying how we shop, eat, and garden, we can collectively help rescue and preserve our precious genetic resources.

Editorial Reviews
From Book News, Inc.: Teitel has a most important message: the groceries Americans purchase can make a difference. He provides a guide to the easy and environmentally-valuable choices every consumer can make at the grocery store, the farm market, and in the garden. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

From The WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the Community for Women; review by SH The next time you set out for the grocery store or the local drive-thru, stop and think about what you are doing. You might be jeopardizing biodiversity. Most of us are unaware of the dangers the agri-industry poses to the biodiversity of plant life and what that means for our planet. Rain Forest goes a long way toward illuminating the effects of our current mode of food consumption on the environment. Offered are many clear-cut, simple ways for us, as consumers (women being the definitive majority behind the grocery cart) to make a difference. Instead of looking at what the cupboard needs, Rain Forest compels us to think about what is needed by the earth and by its inhabitants.

Excerpted from Rain Forest in Your Kitchen by Martin Teitel (as appears in The WomanSource Catalog & Review). Copyright (c) 1992. Reprinted by permission, all rights reserved, "Taut, flawless skin may indicate the presence of unseen poisons. A firm feel may conceal an interior devoid of flavor. A perfect form may connote use of hybrid seed. In a recent survey, California shoppers were shown photographs of perfect oranges and blemished oranges: 78 percent said they would not buy blemished fruit. When told the blemishes indicated an absence of pesticides, 63 percent opted for the blemished fruit. What do you do with a changed perception of what is good? Buy organic or off-grade produce."

Naked Came the Manatee by Carl Hiaasen (Editor), Dave Barry, Elmore Leonard, Edna Buchanan. 1998. Paperback 201 pages. Also available in Hardcover and Audio Cassette. Delightful, funny, quick and easy to read. Very interesting to see how the different authors perceive manatee intelligence! says: Dave Barry starts the madness in Naked Came the Manatee, introducing a 102-year-old environmentalist named Coconut Grove and a manatee saddled with one of Barry's favorite monikers, Booger. Carl Hiaasen closes down the party, and in between, 11 of Florida's literati, including Elmore Leonard, John Dufresne, and Edna Buchanan, make twisted offerings to the affair: three severed heads, all bearing a remarkable resemblance to Fidel Castro; four murders; some sex; some espionage; even an appearance by Jimmy Carter and one by Castro himself.

Originally published as a serial novel in the Miami Herald's Tropic magazine, Naked Came the Manatee resembles a literary game of telephone, with each writer contributing a chapter and passing it on to the next, who then makes the most of what he or she is given. The result is a novel with wildly fluctuating styles and more crazy plot curves than a daytime drama, but thanks to these 13 masters of the craft this roller coaster of a book is almost as much fun to read as it obviously was to write. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

The New York Times Book Review, Philip Gambone Naked Came the Manatee is a deliciously twisted paean to South Florida, to its color, corruption, cacophony and Cubano culture. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Don't Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor. 1999. Paperback 202 pages. From the Publisher "Whatever the task, whether keeping a four-year-old quiet in public, housebreaking a puppy, coaching a team, or memorizing a poem, it will go fast, and better, and be more fun, if you know how to use reinforcement."--Karen Pryor. Now Karen Pryor clearly explains the underlying principles of behavioral training and through numerous fascinating examples reveals how this art can be applied to virtually any common situation. And best of all, she tells how to do it without yelling threats, force, punishment, guilt trips--or shooting the dog. 8 methods for putting an end to all kinds of undesirable behavior. The 10 laws of "shaping" behavior--for results without strain or pain through "affection training." How to combat your own addictions to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, overeating or whatever, how to deal with such difficult problems as a moody spouse, an impossible teen, or an aged parent. Plus. . .House training the dog, improving your tennis game, keeping the cat off the table, and much more! "In the course of becoming a renowned dolphin trainer, Karen Pryor learned that positive reinforcement (the only kind useable with dolphins, who can't be reached with leashes, bridles, fists, or yells) is even more potent that prior scientific work had suggested. . .This new book looks like the very best on the subject--a full-scale mind-changer."--Stewart Brand, The Coevolution Quarterly . --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Children's Books

Chessie: The Meandering Manatee (Young Reader's Series)
by Carol A. Amato, David Wenzel (Illustrator), and Patrick O'Brien (Illustrator). 1997. Barrons Juveniles. Paperback 48 pp. Recommended for ages 9-12. While visiting Uncle Phil in Florida, Carrie and Ben find out all about the gentle aquatic giant known as the manatee.

J. Rooker, Manatee
told by Jan Haley and painted by Paul Brent. 1996. Focus Publishing, Inc. Hardcover 48 pp. Reading level: Ages 4-8. The story of J. Rooker, Manatee, is not new. J. Rooker is one of many manatees injured each year through collisions with motorboats.

Chessie, the Travelin' Man
by Randy Houk, Paula Barlett (Illustrator), Paula Bartlett (Illustrator). 1997. Benefactory. Paperback and toy edition. Reading level: Ages 4-8. Personal Note: This delightful poem tells the story of Chessie, the famous manatee named for the Chesapeake Bay where he was first sighted in 1994. Of all the Chessie books I've read, this one delights me most - perhaps because of the sing song rhythm and the way it makes my grandson laugh! Although also available in hardover, this paperback edition comes complete with a stuffed manatee toy. I dissagree with the recommended reading level; 4-8 year olds will need to have it read to them.

Toys, Collectibles, CDs, & Videos

Dream of the Manatee (1994) CD
by Hellman/Weed. Weed's lyricism comes forth in this splendid CD., November 1, 1999 Reviewer: salmon of the wicca from Portland, Oregon -- Dream of the Manatee is one of Joe Weed's best works. Neal Hellman's dulcimer music twines around the other instruments. Some pieces are dreamy and slow and others more urgent. But they blend into an atmosphere of Sea Life that is unbeatable.

Manatee Adventures (1996) Video
One of Audubon's Animal Adventures. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of videos on manatees, this one is OK.

Manny the Manatee Beanie Baby (retired)
by Ty. Limit 3 per customer | Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only to U.S. adresses. | ASIN: B00000IVLV.

Adult Books

NEW BOOK! Manatees & Dugongs of the World
by Jeff Ripple and Doug Perrine (photographer) 1999. Hardcover - 144 pages by Voyageur Press; ISBN: 0896583937 NOTE: My copy has arrived! You won't want to hide this one on the bookshelf. The magnificent photographs in this book set it in the "coffee table" category. And, the content is informative, too. Publisher's discription: Manatees and Dugongs of the World covers the four living species of sirenian, including the Florida and Antillean subspecies of the West Indian manatee, the Amazonian manatee, the West African manatee, and the dugong, as well as the extinct Stellar's Sea Cow. Jeff Ripple details the natural history of the sirenian, including evolution, range, movement and habitat use, physical description, senses, anatomy and physiology, and more. This book also devotes a chapter to sirens in myth and tradition and a chapter to the protection of the sirenian...

Rain Forest in Your Kitchen: The Hidden Connection between Extinction and Your Supermarket
by by Martin Teitel and Jeremy Rifkin. 1992. Island Press. Hardcover. 120 pp. A practical guide designed to inspire average Americans to wield their consumer power in favor of protecting the world's plant and animal species. It offers compelling evidence that by slightly modifying how we shop, eat, and garden, we can collectively help rescue and preserve our precious genetic resources.

Journal of a Voyage with Bering 1741-1742
by Georg Wilhelm Steller, edited and with an introduction by O. W. Frost, translated by Margritt A. Engel and O. W. Frost. 1952, reprinted 1993. Stanford University Press. Paperback.

Manatees and Dugongs
by John E. Reynolds and Daniel K. Odell. 1991. New York: Facts on File. Hardcover 192 pp.

Ecology and Behavior of the Manatee (Trichechus Manatus) in Florida
by Daniel S. Hartman. 1979. Special Publication No. 5. The American Society of Mammalogists. Hardcover 153 pp.

Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals
by John R. Twiss (Editor), Randall R. Reeves (Editor). Hardcover 496 pp. Smithsonian Institute Press. September 1999.

Biology of Marine Mammals
by John R. Reynolds, III and Sentiel A. Rommel. Hardcover 600 pp. Smithsonian Institute Press. September 1999.

Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach 6th Edition
by John Alcock. 1997. Sinauer Associates. Library Binding.

Marine Mammals And Noise
by W. John Richardson, Charles R. Greene, Jr., Charles I. Malme, Denis H. Thomson, Bernd Wursig, and Sue E. Moore. 1998. New York: Academic Press. Paperback 576 pp.

Principles of Underwater Sound 3rd Edition
by Robert J. Urick. 1983, reprinted 1996. Los Altos, California: Peninsula Publications. Hardcover 423 pp.

Acoustic Communication in Animals
by Steven L. Hopp and C. S. Evans. 1998. New York: Springer Verlag. Hardcover. 421 pp. Backcover: The field of animal acoustic communication has experienced exciting growth in recent years as techniques borrowed from many scientific disciplines have been applied in new ways. For a modern, integrated approach to research in comparative bioacoustics, researchers need access to a wealth of technical and methodological information. This volumne answers that need. "Animal Acoustic Communication" not only provides researchers with an update on the most recent techniques, expecially the application of digital computers, but also offers in a single volume an overview of all aspects of this field of study. Its consistent, readable style makes this volume an accessible handbook for students and a valuable resource for more established researchers. Contents

Principles of Animal Communication
by Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp. 1998. Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates. Hardcover 882 pp. Preface: This book is the outcome of 25 years of good intentions. It is the much evolved spawn of a popular undergraduate course in animal communication first developed with Robert Capranica at Cornell University in 1970... This text is more material than anyone (including us) can tech in one term... Introduction: This book is about how animals communicate with each other and why they do it the way they do... Our to extract the general principles that govern the evolution of animal communication systems... Contents

Handbook of Ethological Methods
by Philip N. Lehner. 1998. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Hardcover 692 pp. At first glance, studying behavior is easy, but as every budding ethologist quickly realises, there are a host of complex practical, methodological and analytical problems to solve before designing and conducting the study. How do you choose which species or which behavior to study? What equipment will you need to observe and record behavior successfully? How do you record data in the dark, in the wet or without missing part of the action? How do you analyse and interpret the data to yield meaningful information? This new expanded edition of the Handbook of ethological methods provides a complete, step-by-step introduction to ethological methods from topic choice and behavioral description to data collection and statistical analysis.

Measuring Behaviour 2nd Edition
by Paul Martin and Patrick Bateson. 1993. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Paperback 222 pp.

The Sonar of Dolphins
by Whitlow W. L. Au. 1993. New York: Springer Verlag. Hardcover 277 pp. Summarizes what humans know about the physiological, mathematical, acoustical, and engineering aspects of dolphins' ability to echolocate, which is better than any man-made sonar system at recognizing and classifying targets in noisy environments. Among the topics are the characteristics of the projected signals and their beam patterns, target detection and discrimination capabilities, mathematical modeling, and a comparison of dolphin and bat sonar systems. The chapters vary in their mathematical sophistication, but are nonspecialized in order to appeal to a wide range of scientists in the physical and biological disciplines. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

Sensory Ecology: How Organisms Acquire and Respond to Information
by David B. Dusenbery. 1992. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. Hardcover 558 pp. This book covers the full range of organisms from bacteria to whales and humans, including plants. It emphasizes basic principles including the constraints imposed by the laws of physics. It is quantitative where practical and is a useful source for equations that can be used to estimate distances over which information can be transmitted.

Geographic Variation in Behavior: Perspectives in Evolutionary Mechanisms.
edited by Susan Adlai Foster and John A. Endler. 1998. Oxford University Press NOTE: I have not read this book.

CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, Second Edition
by Leslie A. Dierauf (Editor), Frances M. D. Gulland (Editor). Hardcover: 1120 pages. Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (June 27, 2001). ISBN: 0849308399 CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, Second Edition is the only handbook specifically devoted to marine mammal medicine and health. With 66 contributors working together to craft 45 scientifically-based chapters, the text has been completely revised and updated to contain all the latest developments in this field. Building upon the solid foundation of the previous edition, the contents of this book are light-years ahead of the topics presented in the first edition. See what's new in the Second Edition: Marine mammals as sentinels of ocean health, Emerging and resurging diseases, Thorough revision of the Immunology chapter, Diagnostic imaging chapters to illustrate new techniques, Quick reference for venipuncture sites in many marine mammals, Unusual mortality events and mass strandings, New topics such as a chapter on careers, Wider scope of coverage including species outside of the United States and Canada, Filled with captivating illustrations and photographs, the Handbook guides you through the natural history of cetaceans, pinnipeds, manatees, sea otters, and polar bears. Prepared in a convenient, easy-to-use format, it is designed specifically for use in the field. Covering more than 40 topics, this one-of-a-kind reference is packed with data. The comprehensive compilation of information includes medicine, surgery, pathology, physiology, husbandry, feeding and housing, with special attention to strandings and rehabilitation. The CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, Second Edition is still a must for anyone interested in marine mammals.

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