The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus), which is completely protected in French Guiana, continues to be threatened by extinction due to various changes in their habitat, increases in eco-tourism, and in some rare cases hunting. Its distribution and its status of conservation are quite well described for Florida, Mexico, Costa Rico, Venezuela, Brazil, and even for Guiana.
In contrast the population and its habitat in French Guiana, situated between Brazil and Venezuela, are virtually unknown. There is one description by Bertram and Bertram Ricardo (1964), in which French Guiana is mentioned. The Caribbean Environment Programme (1995) confirms "no interviews or aerial surveys have been conducted in French Guiana and there is no data on the status of the population in the country".
In 2000, Kwata (a French Guiana NGO: conducted a large and rather exhaustive interview survey all along the coast, mainly with fishermen, to assess the manatee distribution status in French Guiana. Talvy and de Thoisy will publish preliminary results of the survey in the early 2001.
The second step will be focused on habitat characterization in the Maroni estuary and is the subject of my "Diplomarbeit" (master thesis).
The aims of the study are the analysis of the important parameters of habitat used by manatees in a typical estuarine environment in the Wider Caribbean Region. Therefore the area is first divided in sections due to their different morphology. In each section the vegetation and the aquatic factors are recorded. Then in a second step the sections will be grouped into zones of similar character regarding to the former identified critical factors of habitat use by manatees. Finally the classified zones are mapped and described.
In particular, the main questions for the study are:
With such a classification and description of an existing area used by manatees the study aims to contribute to a better knowledge of the habitat of manatees. The results of the study can be employed to identify potentials manatee habitats with the aid of only a few important variables. This should lead to better adaptation of conservation plans to the specific needs of manatees in a certain area. In addition monitoring can be focused on the main factors and therefore be less expensive and easier to handle. As well effects of habitat alteration are simpler to predict and adequate countermeasures can be taken. In consequence, conservation measures will be easier to apply and work better.
Axis Arroyo, J., B. Morales Vela, et al. (1998). "Variables asociadas con el uso de h�bitat del manat� del Caribe (Trichechuis manatus), en Quintana Roo, M�xico (Mammalia)." Revista de Biologia Tropical 46(3): 791-803.
Bertram, G. C. L. and C. K. Bertram Ricardo (1964). "Manatees in the Guianas." Zoologica 49(6): 115-120.
Caribbean Environment Programme (1995). Regional Mamagement Plan for the West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus. Kingston, Jamaica, United Nations Environment Programme.
Spiegelberger, T. and Ganslosser, U. (2005) Food habitats of the Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) in the Coswine Swamps (French Guiana, South America). Tropical Zoology 18. pp. 1-12.
de Thoisy, B., Spiegelberger, T., Rousseau, S., Talvy, G., Vogel , I. and Vi�, J.-C. (2003) Distribution, habitat, and conservation status of the West Indian Manatee Trichechus manatus in French Guiana. - Oryx 37(4). pp. 431-436.
For more information, please visit the webpage of Thomas Spiegelberger (
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