IMPORTANT NOTE: Sirenews is an informal forum, not to be considered citable, formally-published literature; it is NOT "peer-reviewed", and contributions to it should not be quoted without the written permission of the author. The opinions expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily those of IUCN or other organizations.
Sirenews (ISSN 1017-3439) appears twice a year in April and October and is edited by Cynthia R. Taylor and James A. Powell,
Sea to Shore Alliance. Sirenews is supported by the U.S.
Marine Mammal Commission.
This Archive is hosted by Sirenian International.
Submission deadlines are April 1 and October 1. Material may be submitted by e-mail to: Cynthia Taylor (ctaylor at sea2shore dot org).
Many thanks to Daryl P. Domning and Daniel K. Odell helping us collect this Sirenews Archive.