The Elusive Manatee
ethological approach to understanding behavior in the West Indian manatee
Part I:�
Introduction --
Ethology, Proximate &
Ultimate, and Sirenians
Part II:�
Problem Solving --
Social, Reproductive &
������� Antillean manatee in Belize 1999 Photo
� Leszek Karczmarski
This Species Brief originated
in WFSC 422, an ethology course taught by my academic advisor, Dr. Jane M.
Packard, at Texas A&M University in 1998.�
It was updated this year for distribution to Earthwatch Institute
volunteers.� Please consider it a
work in progress � a �draft document� as it is continuously being revised and
updated with better references and new information. �Designed to be used by schools, zoos, wildlife
parks, and oceanaria, it makes an excellent starting place for students,
teachers, and others who are interested in learning about animal behavior
and/or sirenians (manatees &
dugongs).� But, remember, it is only a
briefing document.� Use it to catapult
yourself into the exciting world of animal behavior -- using manatees as an
example.� For more details, start with
the Recommended Reading section; scientists and university students are
encouraged to delve into the primary literature listed in the References
As we idled
around the corner of Swallow Caye I sighted two manatee noses in the
distance.� They were barely visible as
they broke the surface of the clear
Five minutes
passed - how long can these guys stay down?�
What are they doing down there?� One reason we know so little about these incredibly well adapted
animals is because they spend the majority of their time underwater, regularly
staying submerged 3-5 minutes between breaths.�
We heard them before we saw them.�
Both noses broke the water with a forceful exhalation at virtually the
same moment.� Then they were down
again.� I quietly entered the water and
stealthily snorkeled the 50 meters towards their last location.� Where did they go?� Stop.�
Look. Listen.� I heard them
breathe again.� When they finally came
into view underwater, I thought, "Uh oh...�
a mother calf pair -- they are going to run away".�
�The larger animal was about 3 meters long,
almost twice as big as the smaller.�
Do manatees breathe
simultaneously?� If so, why?� Why was the large male manatee nuzzling the
smaller female?� Why do manatees
"kiss"?� How did they sink to
the bottom and stay - without moving a muscle?�
Why did they vocalize during their descent?� How do manatees create sound?� Do manatees often lie side by side on the
bottom?� Are manatees usually found in
pairs, or groups, or alone?� Why?� How long can manatees stay underwater without
breathing?� Why did the smaller animal
surface to breath before the larger animal did?� These are just a few of the questions raised
by the brief observation.� Some answers
to these "how" and "why" questions are known; other answers
may come through long-term ethological studies.�
Ethology is a relatively new,
multi-perspective scientific approach to the study of animal behavior.� Made famous by the work of 1973 Nobel Prize
winners, Konrad Lorenz, Karl von Frisch, and Nikolaas Tinbergen (,
it focuses on animal behavior in a natural setting.� By using a Scientific Perspective, it
differs from Folk Psychology, which is often used to explain animal
behavior to the general public.� Folk psychology perspectives are
intuitive in nature, usually based on personal experiences and
observations.� They are considered anthropomorphic
because they describe and explain behavior in human terms � which are often the
only terms we have to start with!�� These
perspectives are appropriate and very useful when communicating with
non-scientists, such as audiences in zoos, oceanaria, and wildlife parks.� An interpreter will often use folk psychology to describe and explain
animal behaviors based on the �model� that animals have desires, beliefs, and
emotions like humans.� Scientists also
use these perspectives in developing hypotheses about specific behaviors.� For example, I was using folk psychology when I assumed that the manatees in the anecdote above were a mother-calf
pair.� My intuition was based on the size
differential and behavioral patterns typical of mother-calf pairs.
Ethology encourages us to develop additional Scientific Perspectives
in understanding, explaining, and/or describing animal behavior; the classical
ethological perspectives include cause, development, evolution,
and function (Martin & Bateson 1993, Lehner 1996).� Modern ethologists agree that the behavior of
an animal is the result of complex interactions between the genetic makeup of
an individual and environmental
factors that act upon the individual
(Alcock 1998).� However, many aspects of
an animal's behavior can be explained from two very different perspectives: proximate and ultimate (Martin and Bateson 1993, Lehner 1996).� This often results in miscommunication among
observers who are looking at behavior from different perspectives.� Proximate
and ultimate comparisons are
equivalent to apple and orange comparisons � i.e. they are both valid fruits,
but they are different things.�
"How" questions are usually asked from a proximate perspective; how questions seek explanations about the
physical and chemical mechanisms that trigger an individual animal's behavior at any given point in time.� "Why" questions, on the other hand,
are usually based on ultimate
perspectives; answers to these questions attempt to explain why certain
behaviors exist within a population
(or species) of animals.� In other words,
what pressures of natural selection led to the existence of a particular
behavior within a population or
species.� Ethologists further divide proximate and ultimate into the sub-categories of cause, development, evolution, and function based on the work of Niko Tinbergen (Martin and Bateson
1993, Lehner 1996).�
Proximate:� Cause and
Development are proximate
perspectives, which look at the behavior of an individual animal.� Proximate
Cause perspectives include looking at both internal mechanisms (hormones,
neurotransmitters) and external stimuli (pheromones, photo-period, temperature)
that interact to trigger specific behaviors in a mature animal.� Dr. Jane M. Packard explains it using the
analogy of a camera, �Think of Proximate Cause as a snapshot in time
that shows what is causing the behavior at that particular moment.� For
example, in our observation above, what �caused� the manatees to kiss?� Was the female was giving off some signal
(vocal, chemical, or behavioral) that attracted the male?� Did the tactile stimulation by the male cause
hormone production in the female, which triggered the �kiss�?� Most likely, it was is
a complex interaction between both the internal state of each animal and the
resulting external behavioral stimuli.� Proximate
Development perspectives look at behavioral changes that occur as an
individual animal matures.� Think of Proximate
Development as a "video" that shows how a behavior develops and
changes over time as an individual
animal matures.� How might the behavior
of manatees at different ages compare to the interactions we observed?
Ultimate:� Evolution and
Function are ultimate perspectives, which look at specific behaviors
present in a population of
animals.� These behaviors are thought to
have evolved over time through the process called Natural selection.�� For Natural selection to act on a
behavioral characteristic, the behavior must meet certain criteria � the same
criteria necessary for natural selection
to act on a physical trait such as coloration:�
(1) the trait must vary among individuals
within a population; (2) the
variation must be heritable; (3) if the heritable variation results in
differential fitness (i.e. variations in the trait result in some individuals reproducing more
successfully than others); then (4) we would expect the behavior to become
genetically fixed in the population
as the proportion of individuals
displaying the trait increased (i.e. changes in the proportion of� genotype and resulting phenotype).�
Evolution perspectives include the comparison of behaviors among
different, closely related species.� This
is our �video� perspective.� From an Ultimate
Evolution perspective, we hypothesize about how a behavior has changed (or
remained the same) at the population
and/or the species level over many generations.�
In my study of Antillean manatees, I will be comparing behavior to
previous observations of behavior in
Function perspectives attempt to explain what the function of a specific behavior is
within a population, (i.e. why
animals that display this behavioral trait are more reproductively successful
than individuals who do not).� This is our �snapshot� perspective.� If variation exists within the behavior, Ultimate
Function is the perspective used to explain why.� Some
Hypotheses about �why� these
behaviors exist in manatees are different from hypotheses about �how� these
behaviors are executed.� The �why�
questions are from ultimate perspectives of evolution and function,
the �how� questions are from proximate perspectives of cause and development.�
Pattern-Static �Snapshot� |
Process-Dynamic �Video� |
Proximate Perspective Individual Animals �How Questions� |
CAUSE (control) behavioral triggers: internal state/ external stimuli |
DEVELOPMENT (ontogeny) changes in behavior as an animal ages: maturation and/or
learning |
Ultimate Perspective Populations/ Species �Why Questions� |
FUNCTION adaptive significance: effect on reproductive fitness |
EVOLUTION (phylogeny) changes in behavior (genotype) as populations/ species diverge |
We can remember the concepts
of ethology with the acronym AB=CDEF (Animal Behavior = Cause,
Development, Evolution, Function).�
On the TIME axis, Cause and Function are �snapshot� perspectives
that look at internal state and external stimuli in an individual animal or at reproductive success in a population of animals.� Development
and Evolution are �video�
perspectives that look at changes in behaviors over time, either as the individual animal matures or as the population evolves.� On the ANALYSIS axis, Cause and Development
are proximate perspectives that
attempt to answer "how" questions at the level of individual animals.� Evolution
and Function are ultimate perspectives that attempt to
answer "why" questions at the level of populations and/or species.�
For more information on Ethology, I encourage you to visit Dr. Packard�s
website:�� The four basic concepts of ethology can be
arranged in a 2 x 2 table comparing TIME FRAME and ANALYSIS PERSPECTIVES (Table
� Jane M. Packard).
So what are manatees anyway, and why should we study their
behavior?� Manatees belong to the order Sirenia of which there are only 4 extant species in 2 families,
Trichechidae and Dugongidae. Although scientists often lump sirenians together with the order Cetacea (whales and dolphins) as
totally aquatic marine mammals, manatees and the dugong are actually more
closely related to elephants, hyraxes, and aardvarks than to any other marine
mammal (Fischer 1990, Maluf 1995, Springer et al.
1997, Gaeth et al. 1999).� Until a few years ago, very few people had
ever heard of manatees, dugongs, or sea cows.�
But, as we learn more about these elusive and highly specialized creatures
that share our coastal habitats, they are becoming more and more popular among
both scientists and conservationists.�
The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), the West African
manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), and the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus
inunguis) are members of the family Trichechidae. The dugong (Dugong
dugon) is the only surviving member of the family Dugongidae (Reynolds and
Odell 1991).� Steller's sea cow (Hydrodamalis
gigas) is usually included when we talk about modern sirenians; it was in the family Dugongidae (Reynolds and Odell
1991), but the species was extirpated
by humans in 1768, just 27 years after it was discovered by Russian explorers
in 1741 (Stejneger 1887).� Today, local
and international laws protect all four living species, but they are also either
threatened or endangered by humans wherever they exist.�
Manatees:� Even before Russian sailors were exploiting Steller�s sea cow meat
in the North Pacific, European explorers were provisioning their ships with
Antillean manatee meat from the
One way to interpret animal
behavior is as a method of problem solving.�
Over geological time, animals have evolved behaviors that enable them to
solve problems.� Some of these behaviors
are identical from one individual to
another.� We describe such a behavior as
a Fixed Action Pattern (FAP), because the individual�s
genes control the trait.� In other words,
the genetic trait has become fixed in the population and all individuals perform the behavior in
exactly the same way because they inherited the trait from their
ancestors.� At the other end of the
behavioral scale, we find behaviors that vary a great deal among individuals.� We describe such a behavior as a Variable
Action Pattern (VAP), because the environment controls the trait.� In other words, each individual performs the behavior differently due to different
environmental factors during development.�
Additionally, any individual
may perform the behavior differently at different times, depending its internal
state (hormones, chemicals, neurons) and on external stimuli
(environment).� Of course FAP and VAP are
not specific categories, but are the end points along a continuum.� If a behavior falls near the middle of this
continuum, we describe it as a Modal Action Pattern (MAP).� In other words, the behavior is controlled in
part by genetics and in part by the environment.�
We can divide problem solving
into three major categories: reproductive, physical, and social.� Manatees have
evolved some interesting behaviors to overcome reproductive and physical
problems.� But, they are not considered to
be very social animals.� Although they tend to aggregate on resources,
they do not appear to live in social
groups and significant social
behaviors have not been observed outside of reproductive activities.� This species brief will use the concepts of
ethology to introduce you to the behavioral methods manatees use to solve some
of their reproductive and physical problems.�
We will examine specific behaviors using the different perspectives of proximate cause, proximate development, ultimate evolution, and ultimate function to answer a few questions
regarding "how" and "why" manatees behave as the do.�
Problem Solving
We idled
into one of my favorite coves at the end of Bogue C in the Drowned Cayes
near Belize City.� I had taken volunteer
researchers to this spot on previous occasions and ALWAYS, there had been a
manatee resting in the manatee hole
on the far side of the cove.� As if on
cue, before we could even cut the engine and anchor the boat, a single manatee
surfaced in the vicinity of the manatee
hole.� Within minutes a second
manatee surfaced in the middle of the cove.�
Two minutes later, a third animal entered the cove.� "Gee...� I thought, "This must be a
popular resting cove!" But, the two animals in the center of the cove were
too active to be resting.� I didn�t think
they could be feeding, either, because previous habitat snorkels had found NO
vegetation on the bottom.� Another four
minutes passed and two more manatees swam under the boat to join the active
pair in the middle of the cove.�
"This is great,� I told the volunteers, "we'll be able to see
how long it takes them to settle into a resting pattern".� But they didn't settle.� For the next hour we watched the four
manatees in the middle of the cove breathe, roll, dive, and kiss while the
first animal appeared oblivious to all the activity less than 50 meters away. �Were we observing a mating herd?
Mating System:� One parameter of the West Indian manatee mating system is known as the mating
herd.� A mating system is the species-typical
pattern of problem solving that includes how an individual finds a mate, how long it remains with the mate, and how
much energy it invests in its offspring (Drickamer, et al.� 1996).�
The West Indian manatee mating
system can be broadly defined as promiscuous with the estrous
female exhibiting polyandrous behavior and the male exhibiting polygynous
behavior (Hartman 1979).� A manatee-mating herd consists of a group of
males in pursuit of an estrous
female.� The group is ephemeral,
lasting only from a week to a month (Hartman 1979) and consisting of up to 20
males.� The group does not remain
together afterwards.� Males will
participate in multiple mating herds
and attempt to copulate with many estrous
females; similarly, females will copulate with multiple males among those in
the herd.� When we discuss why this mating system exists in manatees, we
are using the ultimate function perspective.�
From the perspective of proximate
cause, we do not know exactly what external signal stimulates males to
aggregate around and attempt to copulate with the estrous female.� Females must
produce some sort of signal, possibly a chemical or acoustical signal, which
stimulates an internal hormonal mechanism in males causing them to pursue
her.� Likewise, the male�s internal state
must be such that he responds to the signal.�
Proximate development perspectives would look at how the males�
reaction to such a signal might differ at other stages of maturity.�
Daniel S.� Hartman, one of the first scientists to make
long-term observations of manatee behavior in the wild, found similarities
between manatee mating herds and
elephant mating, noting that female elephants are also polyandrous - often mating with several males over a period of
several hours.� When Hartman (1979)
compares the mating behavior of manatees to that of elephants, he is writing
from an ultimate evolution perspective.�
In other words, he is hypothesizing that this aspect of the mating system evolved millions of years
ago in an ancestor shared by both the manatee and the elephant.� Since sirenians
and proboscideans are two of only four extant
orders that share a common ancestor among them, manatees are often compared to
elephants using the ultimate evolution perspective
Timing:� Let's assume that our
observation was of a mating herd.� That is, the group of manatees in the center
of the cove consisted of 1 estrous
female and 3 males.�
Why was the first manatee, the one originally sighted in the resting
hole, not involved in the mating herd?�� Looking at the situation from a proximate perspective, there are
several possibilities, and all involve timing. �Suppose the resting manatee was a female.�� If she was sexually mature, but not in estrous, the mating herd would have no interest as she would not be producing an
estrous signal.� An estrous
signal is the proximate cause of the mating herd behavior.� It's
"how" the males know the female is ready to conceive.� Similarly, if the female were sexually
immature, she could not be in estrous
and therefore would not be sending a signal.�
Scientists have only recently answered the question of when a female
manatee becomes sexually mature, thanks to the development of a new aging
technique by Miriam Marmontel, et al.�
(1990).� Since
manatees continuously regenerate new teeth throughout their lives (Domning and
Hayek 1984), they cannot be aged by their dentition like many other marine
mammals.� But, by looking at growth
layers in manatee ear bones, we are now reasonably confident that female
manatees in Florida reach sexual maturity between the age of 3 and 4 years -
most giving birth to their first calf at age 4 (Marmontel 1995).� Questions of "how" the behavior of
signaling develops in females as they mature fall under the proximate
development perspective.�
On the other hand, if the
resting manatee was a male, why wasn't he attracted to the estrous female in the middle of the cove?� He could have been either sexually immature
or sexually inactive.� Using the presence
or absence of sperm in the testes as an indicator, Hernandez et al. (1995)
found that sexual maturity (proximate development) varied among Florida
male manatees with both size and age with some males becoming physiologically
mature as young as 2 years and as small as 237 cm.� But, from a proximate cause
perspective, they also found that the reproductive system varied in
functionality among mature male manatees depending on season in
Whether the resting manatee
was inactive or immature, his timing would have been out of sync with the
female and the estrous signal would
have no effect on his behavior.� From an ultimate
function perspective, we say that those manatees whose sexual behavior is
triggered at the appropriate time (i.e. when both the male and female are
sexually mature, active, and receptive) are more reproductively successful than
manatees that waste energy on futile sexual encounters.� From an ultimate evolution perspective,
there have been some behaviors observed in Antillean manatees that might be
associated with seasonal spermatogenesis (G. Smith unpublished data).� More studies are necessary before we can
determine if seasonality affects the reproductive behavior of manatees in
Care:� The final
aspect of reproductive problem solving discussed here is parental care.� Like many mammals, female manatees invest
considerable time and energy into a relatively small number of offspring as
their reproductive strategy.� From an ultimate
function perspective, data collected by scientists in
In an ongoing study of
Antillean manatees in the Southern Lagoon of Belize, Buddy Powell is also
seeing mother-calf pairs remain together for long periods of time (� When we compare this behavior between the
Although manatees usually have
only one calf at a time, there are rare occurrences of manatees giving birth to
twins (Hartman 1979; O'Shea and Hartley 1995; Rathbun et al.� 1995).� Twinning is often followed by the
death of one (O'Shea and Hartley 1995) or both (L. Lefebvre, personal
communication; personal observation) offspring.�
From an ultimate function perspective, this alternative behavior
raises the questions (1)"why" aren't females that have twins more
successful than those that have singles?" and (2) "why has the
variation (single vs. twins) in birthing behavior persisted within the West
Indian manatee?" From an ultimate evolution perspective, the
variation could be studied by looking at closely related species.� Unfortunately, there are little data
available on the occurrence of twins within other manatee species, but Marsh
(1995) references vague reports of twin fetuses in dugongs.� This is one line of evidence that twinning is
a characteristic shared with other sirenians
and not recently derived within the
Before we leave parental care,
we should ask, "could the observation described
in the introduction have been a manatee father caring for his
offspring?"�� Probably not, there is
no evidence that male manatees participate in any form of parental care.� A better hypothesis, based on what we now
know about manatee reproductive behavior, is that perhaps the large male was
attracted to little female because she was sending an estrous signal.
Summary:� We have learned much about
Problem Solving
Sirenians (manatees and dugongs) belong
to group of animals commonly referred to as marine mammals.� Other marine mammals include whales and
dolphins; seals, sea lions, and walruses; sea otters; and polar bears.� Although they are not closely related to each
other (remember, manatees are more closely related to elephants than to other
marine mammals), these groups share convergent characteristics that
evolved as they solved the physical problems associated with adaptation from a
terrestrial to a marine environment.� For
example, all marine mammals must breathe air, and they have evolved in various
ways that enable them to survive in an aquatic environment.� In the dolphins, nostrils have migrated up
the rostrum to the top of the head and become a single blowhole.� Many large whales and seals have
physiological adaptations that enable them to remain underwater for hours at a
From an ultimate
evolutionary perspective, one interesting hypothesis is that the common
ancestor between manatees and elephants was an aquatic (rather than a
terrestrial) mammal.� If true, this would
make the elephant the only known animal to move from the sea to the land (as
all mammal ancestors did when their remote ancestors evolved from fish to
amphibians), back to the sea (as did the cetaceans, pinnipeds, and sirenians)
and then back to the land again.� This
idea was originally based on the thought that the elephant's trunk evolved to
enable the negatively buoyant animal to breath air from beneath the surface of
the water.� The longer the proboscis,
the deeper the animal could forage - eventually resulting in the long,
snorkel-like trunk we see today.� This
hypothesis has recently been supported by a study on elephant embryos, which
indicates that the shared ancestor between sirenians
and elephants was an aquatic mammal (Gaeth et
al.� 1999).�
All marine mammals have had to
solve the problem of breathing in an aquatic environment, but the sirenians have additional unique
physical problems:� (1) the extant species are NOT well adapted to
cold water; and (2) sirenians are
the only marine mammal herbivores.�� Only one extinct species of sirenian
was found in extreme cold waters: Hydrodamalis gigas, commonly known as
Steller's giant sea cow.� These animals
were three times as large as manatees, ranging from 25 to 35 feet in length and
weighing up to 8000 pounds.� Their
extremely large size enabled them to survive in the frigid
Thermoregulation:� Water temperature is well
known to be a controlling factor in
Each winter, hundreds of West
Indian manatees aggregate in Crystal River, Florida, where they are soon joined
by thousands of humans who want to swim with them.� Why does the otherwise elusive manatee
tolerate this human behavior?� Why do
they keep coming back, year after year?
These are excellent examples
of how manatees have adapted behaviors to solve the physical problem of
thermoregulation.� While most marine
mammals have adapted to cold water by evolving high metabolic rates, the West
Indian manatees have exceptionally low metabolic rates (Irvin 1983).� When metabolic rates are graphed against body
size, most mammals fall along a predictable curve where the rate decreases as
the size increases.� If we compare where
manatees should fall on this curve to where they actually plot out on the
graph, we find that manatee metabolism is only about 20% of what we would
expect.� The same comparison with other
marine mammals shows that their metabolic rates are
almost twice what we would expect - enabling them to easily live in cold
water.� This physiological problem should
limit the West Indian manatee to warm tropical waters.
In the
What about manatees in
tropical habitats where water temperatures are relatively constant?� If thermoregulation were the only function
of long distance travel, we would not expect Antillean manatees to exhibit the
same degree of seasonal migration as
Foraging:� As we explored the bogues (channels) that snake their way
through the mangrove islands off the coast of Belize, it became apparent that
Antillean manatees preferred certain micro-habitats within the larger habitat
we call the Drowned Cayes.� We reliably
found manatees just west of the cayes feeding on turtle grass beds; and we
always found manatees resting in narrow bogues
or quiet coves among the cayes.� They
tended to travel in the deeper channels when moving between areas.� One of the parameters of
quality manatee habitat is the close availability of food (Hartman 1979).� It appears that Antillean manatees using the
Drowned Cayes are more likely to rest in areas that are linked to turtle grass
beds by deep channels.� Like all sirenians, manatees are opportunistic herbivores, feeding on a variety of
fresh and saltwater vegetation.� Although
they may consume fish in some areas (Powell 1978) and incidentally ingest
invertebrates (Powell 1978; Powell 1984; personal observations), the main
component of their diet is aquatic vegetation: sea grasses in the marine and
estuarine environment; floating, submerged, and emergent plants in the riverine
environment.� Sea grasses, like all
plants, require sunlight for growth, which limits their presence to relatively
shallow coastal waters.� From an ultimate
function perspective, the relationship between sea grasses and water depth
has probably prevented manatees from dispersing into deeper oceanic
I snorkeled
up to an Antillean manatee feeding underwater just west of Swallow Caye � at first, I thought it was dead...� I can still recall the adrenalin rush as
options flashed through my mind regarding what to do with a dead manatee! It
was lying perfectly still on the bottom in about 3 meters of water and appeared
to be missing its head.� As I floated
closer, (heart racing) I began to hear chewing noises and realized that the
manatee had buried its head into the muddy substrate and was feeding on the sea
grass roots.� I soon learned
that this is typical of how manatees feed on the sea grass beds near the
Drowned Cayes - eating both roots and leaves and probably other benthic
organisms living in the mud.� Looking for
muddy disturbances became another method of finding the elusive manatee.
If you�ve ever tried to dive
down and recover a lost item in deep water, you know that you,
like most mammals, are positively buoyant and must work to get and stay
submerged.� Manatee bones are pachyostoic
-- very dense and lacking marrow -- except in the vertebrae and sternum (Odell
and Reynolds 1991).� Because of this,
manatees are negatively buoyant and can lie on the sea bottom without exerting
any energy to stay down.� The less energy
they use, the longer manatees can remain submerged between breaths - making
feeding more efficient.� Indeed, we think
manatees have the ability to control the volume of air their lungs, enabling
them to rise to the surface, take a breath, and return to the bottom with no
noticeable effort.�
Manatees exhibit different
problem-solving behaviors related to foraging in different habitats.� In rivers, manatees are often observed
feeding on floating vegetation.� They use
their forelimbs like we use our hands to manipulate aquatic plants towards the
mouth.� The large prehensile upper
lip is then used to work the plants into the mouth.� When I was observing
Although they are considered
opportunistic feeders, manatees are known to prefer certain species of plants
to others (Bengtson 1981).� Hunters of
West African manatees use cassava to lure the animals into box traps (O�Shea
1994).� Other traditional hunters attract
manatees by dangling a favorite flower over the water's edge to entice their
approach.� While West Indian manatees in
Daryl Domning of
Predation:� Although they may have existed
in the past, we know of few natural predators on modern West Indian
manatees...EXCEPT for humans.� Large
aquatic predators (crocodiles, alligators, sharks, and hippopotamus) have been
hypothesized to take the occasional small or weak animal (Odell 1982; Powell
1984).� But, in one of the few documented
cases, Johnson (1937, as reported in Powell 1984) found that only one out of
one hundred crocodiles cut open contained the remains of a manatee.�
Amazonian manatees, on the
other hand, still have to contend with predation by aquatic and terrestrial carnivores� such as
jaguars, caimans, and sharks (Reynolds and Odell 1991) � especially during the
dry season when then are stranded by receding flood waters. Both fossil and
historical records indicate that manatees have been hunted both for subsistence
and commercially throughout the history of humans (Lefebvre et al. 1989,
Reynolds and Odell 1991).� While illegal
poaching still exists � especially in remote areas -- most modern predation is
incidental � resulting from entanglement in fishing gear, shark nets,� and water control devices, and from
collisions with watercraft.� From an ultimate
function perspective, we may hypothesize that the reason manatees are
elusive creatures is to avoid predation.�
In other words, those animals that inherited a natural tendency towards
elusive behavior were more reproductively successful.
The story of Steller�s sea cow
demonstrates how quickly humans can extirpate a species, particularly when population numbers are already
reduced.� The sea cow was discovered and
described by Georg Wilhelm Steller, a German naturalist assigned to Captain
Vitus Bering during a Russian Expedition to
Even before Russian sailors
were hunting Steller�s sea cow to extinction,
European buccaneers and explorers were provisioning their ships with Antillean
manatee meat, which they harvested themselves or purchased from the indigenous
people (Reynolds and Odell 1991).� In the
The greatest documented
predation on manatees today occurs incidentally in
Osmoregulation:� Unlike the Amazonian manatee,
which is endemic to the fresh waters of the
As we examine problem-solving
behavior in the West Indian manatee using the ethological perspectives of cause, development, evolution,
and function, we begin to realize
how many questions remain un-answered about this elusive marine mammal.� Although we know (from the study of other
mammals) that the proximate cause of behavior is a complex interaction
between internal mechanisms and external stimuli, we don't know the specific
triggers for many manatee behaviors.�
development has not been well studied for several reasons.� Free ranging female manatees with new calves
tend to isolate themselves in secluded areas making behavior difficult to
observe.� Observations of captive raised
manatees may not be indicative of normal development.� The West Indian manatee is an endangered
species making experimental manipulation difficult, yet extremely important to
the successful rehabilitation and release of injured manatees.� For example, how will a captive raised calf
learn to find warm water effluents during cold spells?� Can adult manatees learn successful migration
routes or must they be learned during early development?� From an ultimate
perspective, manatees are also quite challenging due to the lack of closely
related extant species and to the
sparse fossil record.� But, paleo-sirenian research, by Daryl Domning and
others, continues to offer insight to the evolution
and function of modern manatee
behaviors.� Why are there fewer sirenian species today than during the
past?� Does the evolution of the species Homo correlate with the decline of sirenians or were other environmental
factors the reason for their extinctions?� Will answers to these and other ultimate questions aid in our
conservation efforts?�
Although manatees are
generally considered elusive, there are cases where they appear to be curious
and actually initiate contact with humans.�
Likewise, many behaviors tend vary between individuals, populations,
and species.� Because of the variable
nature of manatee behavior, we must be careful in applying what we know about
Alcock, John.� 1998.�
Animal Behavior.� Sixth edition.�
Anderson, Paul K.� 1997.�
Nicole.� 1998.�
Bengtson, John L. 1981.� Ecology of Manatees Trichechus manatus) in the
Bengtson, John L., and Shannon M.� Fitzgerald.� 1985.��
Potential role of vocalizations in West Indian manatees.� Journal of Mammalogy.��� 66(4):816-819.
Domning, Daryl P.�
1980.� Feeding position preference
in manatees (Trichechus).� Journal
of Mammalogy 61(3):544-547.
Domning, Daryl P.�
1982.� Evolution of manatees: a
speculative history.� Journal
of Paleontology.���
Domning, Daryl P., and Lee-Ann Hayek.� 1984.� Horizontal tooth replacement in the Amazonian
manatee.� Mammalia 48:105-127.
Drickamer, Lee C., Stephen H.�
Vessey, and Doug Meikle.� 1996.��
Animal Behavior: Mechanisms, Ecology, Evolution.� Fourth edition.�
Fischer, M. S.� 1990.� The unique ear of elephants and manatees
(Mammalia):� a phylogenetic
paradox.� C. R. Acad. Sci.,
Paris, SER. III, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 157-162.
Gaeth, A. P., R. V.� Short and M. B. Renfree.�
1999.� The developing renal,
reproductive, and respiratory systems of the
Hartman, Daniel S.�
1979.� Ecology and behavior of the
manatee (Trichechus manatus) in
Hernandez, Patricia, John E.�
Reynolds, III, Helene Marsh, and Miriam� Marmontel.� 1995.�
Age and seasonality in spermatogenesis of
Husar, Sandra L.� 1977.�
The West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus.� Wildlife Research Report No. 7.�
Irvin, A.� Blair.�
1983.� Manatee metabolism and its
influence on distribution in
Koelsch, Jessica K.� 1997.
The Seasonal Occurrence and Ecology of Florida Manatees (Trichechus manatus� latirostris)
in Coastal Waters near
Lefebvre, Lynn W., Thomas J.�
O'Shea, Galen B.� Rathbun, and R.� C.� Best.�
1989.� Distribution, status, and
biogeography of the West Indian manatee.�
pp.� 567-610 in Biogeography of the
Lehner, Philip N.�
1996.� Handbook of Ethological
Methods, 2nd edition.�
Maluf, N. S. R.� 1995.�
Kidney of elephants.� Anatomical
Record 242(4):491-514.
Marmontel, Miriam.�
1995.� Age and reproduction in
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O'Shea, and S.R.� Humphrey.�
1990.� An evaluation of bone
growth-layer counts as an age determination technique in
Marsh, Helene.� 1995.� The life history, pattern of breeding, and population dynamics of the dugong.� pp.� 75-83 in Thomas J.� O'Shea, Bruce B.� Ackerman, and
H.� Franklin Percival,�� editors.�
biology of the
Martin, Paul, and Patrick Bateson.� 1993.� Measuring Behaviour � An introductory guide,
2nd edition.�
Odell, Daniel K.� 1982.� West Indian Manatee Trichechus manatus.� in Wild Mammals of
O'Shea, Thomas J.�
1994.� Manatees.� Scientific American.� July 1994.�
O'Shea, Thomas J.� Bruce
B.� Ackerman,
and H.� Franklin Percival.� 1995.� Population Biology of the
O�Shea, Thomas J., and Wayne Hartley.� 1995.� Reproduction and early-age survival
of manatees at Blue Spring, upper
O'Shea, Thomas J.� and Charles A.� 'Lex'
Ortiz, Rudy M., Graham A. J. Worthy and Duncan S. MacKenzie.� 1998.�
Osmoregulation in wild and captive West Indian manatees (Trichechus
manatus).� Physiological Zoology
Packard, Jane M., R. Kipp Frohlich, John E. Reynolds,
III, and J. Ross Wilcox.� 1989.�
Manatee response to interruption of a thermal effluent.� Journal of Wildlife Management 53(3):692-700.
Powell, James A.� 1978.� Evidence of carnivory
in manatees (Trichechus manatus).� Journal of Mammalogy.�
Powell, James A.� 1984.� Manatees in the Gambia River Basin and
potential impact of the Balingho�� Antisalt Dam with
notes on Ivory Coast, West Africa.� Trip Report.�
Institute for Marine Studies.�
Ralph, C. L., S. Young, R. Gettinger
and T. J. O�Shea.� 1985.��
Does the manatee have a pineal body?�
Acta Zoologica
Rathbun, Galen B., James P.�
Reid, Robert K.� Bonde, and James A.�
Powell.� 1995.� Reproduction in free-ranging
Reynolds, John E., III.�
1981.� Aspects of the social behaviour and herd structure of
a semi-isolated colony of West Indian manatees, Trichechus manatus.� Mammalia.� 45(4):431-451.
Reynolds, John E., III, and John C. Ferguson.� 1984.� Implications of the presence of
manatees (Trichechus manatus) near the
Reynolds, John E.� III, and Daniel K.� Odell.� 1991.��� Manatees and Dugongs.�
F. J.� 1995.�
M. S., G. C. Cleven, O. Madsen, W. W. De Jong, V. G. Waddell, H. M. Amrine,
M. J. Stanhope.� 1997.� Endemic African mammals shake the phylogenetic tree.�
Nature (
Steller, Georg Wilhem.� 1988.�
Journal of a Voyage with Bering 1741-1742.�
1887.� How the great northern
sea-cow (Rytina) became exterminated.�
The American Naturalist 21(12):1047-1054.
Caldwell, David K., and Melba C.�
Hartman, Daniel S.�
1979.� Ecology and behavior of the
manatee (Trichechus manatus) in
Reynolds, John E.� III, and Daniel K.� Odell.� 1991.��� Manatees and Dugongs.�
Zeiller, Warren.� 1992.�
Introducing the Manatee.�
World Wide Web Internet URLs:
Animal Behavior by Dr. Jane M. Packard:�
Call of the Siren by Caryn Self Sullivan:�
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1973 � Karl
von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz, Nikolaas Tinbergen, for their discoveries concerning
organization and elicitation of individual
and social behaviour patterns:�
Satellite Tracking West Indian Manatees in
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission:�
Florida Marine Research Institute:�
USGS Sirenia Project:�
Sea World Education Department:�
Florida Power & Light Company:�
agonistic: a general
term that includes aggressive, submissive, and defensive behaviors that appear
when the adrenal hormones are activated.�
anecdote: a short
story or observation which has not been "tested" by the scientific
anthropocentric: considering human beings as the most significant entity of the
universe; interpreting or regarding the world in terms of human values and
anthropogenic: of,
relating to, or resulting from the influence of human beings on nature.�
anthropomorphic: described or thought of as having a human form or human
attributes; ascribing human characteristics to nonhuman things.�
bogue: the local term for a channel
of water that flows through a mangrove caye in
cause: stimulus outside the animal
plus the internal physiological state of the animal.�
Cetacea: the order of aquatic mostly
marine mammals that include the whales, dolphins, porpoises, and related forms
and that have a torpedo-shaped nearly hairless body, paddle-shaped forelimbs
but no hind limbs, one or two nares opening
externally at the top of the head, and a horizontally flattened tail used for
convergent: similar
traits in species from very different genetic lineages, due to similar
environmental functions.�
development: changes in
behavioral traits as an individual
divergent: different
traits in species from similar genetic lineages due to differences in their
endemic:�� restricted
or peculiar to a locality or region.�
Amazonian manatees are only found in the
ephemeral: short
period of existence; opposite of eternal.�
estrous: the period
during which a female has produced an egg ready to fertilize and is receptive
to copulation.�
evolution: change in
proportion of genotypes within the gene pool of a population over many many
extant:� currently or actually existing; not destroyed
or lost.�
extinct:� no longer existing.�
extirpated:� to destroy completely.�
folk psychology:� a non-scientific way of
talking about animal behavior.� Uses human terms to describe non-human animal behavior.� Intuitive � based on anecdotes, experiences, observations.� Anthropomorphic.�
Assumes that animals have beliefs, feelings, desires.�
function: the
meaning of a behavior in terms of survival and reproduction in a given
gestation: the
carrying of young in the uterus.�
herbivores: animals
that feed exclusively on plants.�
individual: a single organism; a way of
understanding the biological hierarchy of concepts - those pertaining to
physiological processes and experiences of each organism; in contrast to population, which focuses more on gene
pools of groups of animals that interbreed.�
lactation:� the secretion of milk.�
manatee hole: concave depression in sandy or muddy substrate where manatees
habitually rest.
mating herd: the name given an estrous
female and the aggregation of males which follow her around attempting to
mating system: males strategies and female strategies as observed in a population.�
morphology:� the form and structure of an organism or any
of its parts.�
natural selection: the process that produces evolutionary changes in a population due to heritable traits in
some individuals which result in
those individuals being more
reproductively successful; the process only occurs IF (1) there are variances
in traits within a population, (2)
the variances are heritable, (3) individuals
with certain variances have greater reproductive success than individuals with other variances, then
over time, we would expect to see the trait selected "for" become
more common in the population.�
neonate:� term used distinguish a
newborn cetacean or sirenian calf from an older calf � you can still see the
fetal folds on a neonate and the skin is usually darker than on an older calf.
osmoregulation:� regulation of osmotic pressure especially
in the body of a living organism.� how an organism regulates the amount of water entering and
leaving its body.
parturition: the action
or process of giving birth to offspring; birth, whelping.�
pinniped:� any of a suborder (Pinnipedia) of aquatic carnivorous mammals (as a seal or
walrus) with all four limbs modified into flippers.�
polyandry: a mating system where one female mates
with two or more males at a time.� (adj: polyandrous)
population: a group of
animals that interact and interbreed.�
postpardum: following parturition;
after giving birth.�
prehensile: an
appendage adapted for seizing or grasping especially by wrapping around -
examples: a monkey has a prehensile
tail and an elephant has a prehensile
proboscis: the trunk
of an elephant; also any long flexible snout; any of various elongated
processes of the oral region of an invertebrate.�
promiscuity: a mating system where there is no
prolonged association between the mating pair and at least one sex engages in
multiple mates.� (adj: promiscuous)
immediately preceding or following as in a chain of events, causes, or effects;
in ethology - the perspective that looks at the cause and development of
behavior at the individual animal
scramble-polygyny: a mating system where
many males try to mate with many females, but without overt competition among
Sirenia: the taxonomic order of
aquatic herbivorous mammals including the manatee, dugong, and Steller's sea
cow.� Sirenians are members of the
Order Sirenia.
social animals: tending to form cooperative and interdependent relationships
with others of one's kind; living and breeding in more or less organized communities.�
taxonomy: orderly
classification of plants and animals according to their presumed natural
relationships; the study of the general principles of scientific
classification; systematics.�
thermoregulate: the maintenance or regulation of temperature; specifically the
maintenance of a particular temperature of the living body.�
ultimate:� most remote in space or time; last in a
progression or series; in ethology - the perspectives of evolution and function
that look at behavior at the population
and/or species level.�
uniparous: producing
one offspring at a time.
Financial support for my research on manatees has come from the
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program (1998-2001), the
Earthwatch Institute (2001-2003), the Conservation Action Fund at the New
England Aquarium (2001), the Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research at the
American Museum of Natural History (2000), and the Oceanic Society of San
Francisco (1998-1999).�
I am particularly grateful to my research partner and colleague,
Katie LaCommare, who is also working on her Ph.D. at the
I also thank Nicole Auil and Angeline Valentine of the Belize
Coastal Zone Management Institute and Authority; Natalie Rosado, Earl Codd, and Marcelo Windsor of the Conservation Division �
Belize Forest Department; Beverly Wade and �Rennick Jackson of
the Belize Fisheries Department, Sidney Turton, Elda Cabellos, and the staff of
Spanish Bay Resort; Greg Smith of the Belize National Manatee Working Group (BNMWG);
and Buddy Powell of Wildlife Trust & the BNMWG for their continuing advise
and support.�
Many others have helped me along the way by taking me into the
field or assisting me in the field, sharing their personal knowledge and
experiences, donating slides to my educational programs, directing me towards
the proper references, and just by being there to listen.� In no particular order, they include: Armando
"Patch" Mu�oz, Pam Quayle, Liz Johnstone, Paco Ollervides & Jennifer
Pettis, Jason Dean, Amanda Port, Megan Saunders, Brian Casey, Hannah Goorsky, Martin
& Barbara Packard, George and Joan Packard, Gene Ash, Samanthia Waltjen,
Sarah Bevins, Randie Oaks Lynn, Emma Cook, Maxine Monsanto, Heidi Petersen,
Kate Schafer, Eleno �Landy� Requena, Kecia Kerr, Kate Schafer, John Speer, Melanie Magana, Barbara
Bilgre, Katie LaCommare, Leszek Karcmarski, Birgit
Winning, Jaime Gilardi, Guy Oliver, Beth Wright,
Lenisa Tipton, Tami* Gilbertson, Jessica Koelsch, Graham Worthy, Angela
Garcia-Rodriguez, Mike Bragg, Edmund Gerstein, Rich Harris, Lizz
Singh, Chocolate Heredia & Annie Seashore, Hans
Rothauscher, Joe Olson, Patti Thompson, Bruce Ackerman, Cathy Beck, Chip
Deutsch, Lynn Lefebvre, Tom O'Shea, Tom Pitchford, Roger Reep, Wally Welker,
John Reynolds, Butch Rommel, Peter Tyack, Andrea Gill, Kevin Andrewin, Elaine Perez, Rob Young,� and my extended family of relatives and
Caryn Self Sullivan
B.S., Marine Science, Coastal
Ph. D. Student, Ethology Lab, Department of Wildlife
and Fisheries Sciences
President & Co-founder, Sirenian International,
Principle Investigator, Manatees in
Last updated