This Bibliography is still under construction.
Anonymous. 1996. Effects of red tide on manatee immune function. Mote News (Sarasota, Florida, Mote Marine Laboratory) 41(3): 11. [Brief popular account of in-vitro study of manatee lymphocytes.]
Anonymous. 1996. Manatees and boats. Mote News (Sarasota, Florida, Mote Marine Laboratory) 41(3): 5. [On compliance with speed zone regulations by boaters.]
Anonymous. 2000. Better protection for Australian dugong. Marine Pollution Bull. 40(6): 467.
Abdullah, M.K. 1999. Dugongs in dire straits. Duniaku (Malaysia), Apr. 1999: 8.
Abellera, B.J. 1999. Manatees sojourn in Florida waters. Florida Wildlife 53(4): 32.
Adulyanukosal, K., and S. Chantrapornsyl. 1994. Occurrence of dugong (Dugong dugon) in Thai waters and feeding biology of dugong in captivity. Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources (Bangkok, ChulalongkornUniversity), Proceedings, Vol. 2, Research Papers: 503-504.
Adulyanukosol, K., S. Chantrapornsyl, and S. Poovachiranon. 1997. An aerial survey of dugong (Dugong dugon) in Andaman coast, Thailand. Thai Fisheries Gazette 50(5): 359-374.
Alava, M.N.R., and A.A.S.P. Yaptinchay. 1997. Marine mammals. Philippine Red data Book. Makati City (Philippines), Bookmark, Inc. (xiii + 262 pp.): 169-246.
Alma�a, C. 1998. Baleias, focas e peixes-bois: na hist�ria natural Portuguesa. Lisbon, Museu Bocage, Museu Nacional de Hist�ria Natural: 1-105.
Amrine, H.M., and M.S. Springer. 1999. Maximum-likelihood analysis of the tethythere hypothesis based on a multigene data set and a comparison of different models of sequence evolution. Jour. Mamm. Evol. 6(2): 161-176.
Amsler, K. 1995. Lamantins. Le crepuscule des sirenes. Oceanorama 24: 21-24. June 1995.
Anderson, P.K. 1997. Shark Bay dugongs in summer. I: Lek mating. Behaviour 134(5-6): 433-462.
Anderson, P.K. 1998. Shark Bay dugongs (Dugong dugon) in summer. II: Foragers in a Halodule-dominated community. Mammalia 62(3): 409-425.
Angelici, F.M., I. Grimod, and E. Politano. 1999. Mammals of the Eastern Niger Delta (Rivers and Bayelsa States, Nigeria): an environment affected by a gas-pipeline. Folia Zool. 48(4): 249-264.
Aragones, L., and H. Marsh, 1999. Impact of dugong grazing and turtle cropping on tropical seagrass communities. Pacific Conservation Biology 5: 277-288.
Aragones, L.V., and H. Marsh. 2000. Impact of dugong grazing and turtle cropping on tropical seagrass communities. Pacif. Conserv. Biol. 5: 277-288.
Arnold, D.W. 1996. Saving the manatees ... the State's approach to manatee recovery. Mote News (Sarasota, Florida, Mote Marine Laboratory) 41(3): 6-7.
As-Saruri, M.L., P.J. Whybrow, and M.E. Collinson. 1998. Discovery of fruits, seeds and vertebrates in the Kaninah and Mayfa'ah Formations (Middle Eocene), Republic of Yemen. Zs. Geol. Wiss. 26(5-6): 697-703.
Astibia, H., X. Murelaga, A. Payros, X. Pereda, and J. Tosquella. 1999. Fossil turtles and sirenians from the marine Eocene of Navarre and Jaca Basin. Geogaceta 25: 15-18.
Au, W.W.L. 1997. Some hot topics in animal bioacoustics. Jour. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 101 (5, Part 1): 2433-2441.
Auil, N.E. 1999. Belize Manatee Recovery Plan. UNDP/GEF Coastal Management Project, BZE/92/G31, Belize/UNEPCaribbean Environment Programme, Kingston, Jamaica: 67 pp.
Axis-Arroyo, J., B. Morales-Vela, D. Torruco-G6mez, and M.E. Vega-Cendejas. 1998. Variables asociadas con el uso dehabitat del manati del Caribe (Trichechus manatus), en Quintana Roo, Mexico (Mammalia). Rev. Biol. Trop. 46(3): 791803.[Engl. summ.]
Bachteler, D., and G. Dehnhardt. 1998. Tactile sensitivity of facial vibrissae in the Antillean manatee. [Abstr.] Zoology:Analysis of Complex Systems 101 (Suppl. 1): 44.
Bachteler, D., and G. Dehnhardt. 1999. Active touch performance in the Antillean manatee: evidence for a functionaldifferentiation of facial tactile hairs. Zoology, Analysis of Complex Systems 102(1): 61-69.
Baldwin, R. 1995. Abu Dhabi and the disappearing dugong. Tribulus 5(2): 7-8.
Baldwin, R. 1996. Marine mammals. In: P.J. Vine (ed.), Natural Emirates: wildlife and environment of the United Arab Emirates. London, Trident Press (248 pp.): 199-212.
Baldwin, R., and V.G. Cockcroft. 1997. Are dugongs, Dugong dugon, in the Arabian Gulf safe? Aquatic Mammals 23(2): 73-74.
Banks, N., and V.A. Lima. 1995. Enciclop�dia dos sir�nios: peixes-bois e dugongos. Recife (Brazil), Univ. Federal Rural de Pernambuco: 1-229. [A compilation of quotations and data from published literature, arranged by topics including history, paleontology, distribution, systematics, morphology of organ systems, predators and parasites, economic aspects, and conservation. In Portuguese.]
Barnes, L.G. 2000. Dugong feeding on sea grass [caption to a photograph by Pete Atkinson]. Terra (Nat. Hist. Museum of Los Angeles County, Calif.) 37(3): 3.
Barnett, A.A., and M.L. Prangley. 1997. Mammalogy in the Republic of Guinea: an overview of research from 1946 to 1996, a preliminary check-list and a summary of research recommendations for the future. Mammal Rev. 27(3): 115-164.
Beasley, I., and T.A. Jefferson. 1997. Marine mammals of Borneo: a preliminary checklist. Sarawak Museum Jour.51(72)(N.S.): 193-210.
Bhaskar, S. and G.C. Rao. 1992. Present status of some endangered animals in Nicobar Islands. Jour. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 8(2): 181-186.
Bisbal E., F.J. 1998. Mam�feros de la Pen�nsula de Paria, Estado Sucre, Venezuela y sus relaciones biogeogr�ficas. Interciencia 23(3): 176-181.
Blaszkiewitz, B. 1995. Humboldt, Columbus, Therese von Bayern - Seek�he im Tierpark Berlin. Zoofreund 95: 16.
Blaszkiewitz, B. 1997. [Florida and its manatees.] Bongo 27: 45-48.
Blaszkiewitz, B. 1998. [On a manatee stillbirth in the Berlin zoo.] Zool. Garten 68(2): 134. [In German.]
Bohaska, D.J. 1998. Fossil marine mammals of the lower Miocene Pollack Farm site, Delaware. In: R.N. Benson (ed.),Geology and paleontology of the lower Miocene Pollack Farm site, Delaware. Delaware Geol. Surv. Special Publ.21:179-191. [Dugongid rib fragments from the Calvert Formation, 183-184.]
Bossart, G.D. 1999. The Florida manatee: on the verge of extinction? Jour. Amer. Veter. Med. Assoc. 214(8): 1178-1183.
Bossart, G.D., D.G. Baden, R.Y. Ewing, B. Roberts, and S.D. Wright. 1998. Brevetoxicosis in manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) from the 1996 epizootic: gross, histologic, and immunohistochemical features. Toxicological Pathology 26(2): 276-282.
Bowen, W.D. 1997. Role of marine mammals in aquatic ecosystems. Mar. Ecol. Progress Series 158: 267-274.
Bowen, W.D., and D.B. Siniff. 1999. Distribution, population biology, and feeding ecology of marine mammals. Chap. 9 in: Reynolds, J.E., III and S.A. Rommel (eds.). Biology of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst. Press (578 pp.): 423-484.
Boyd, I.L., C. Lockyer, and H.D. Marsh. 1999. Reproduction in marine mammals. Chap. 6 in: Reynolds, J.E., III and R.R. Reeves (eds.). Biology of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst. Press (578 pp.): 218-286.
Brown, L.N. 1997. A guide to the mammals of the southeastern United States. Knoxville, Univ. of Tennessee Press. [Manatee, 175-178.]
Bryden, M.M., H. Marsh, and P.D. Shaughnessy. 1998. Dugongs, whales, dolphins and seals: a guide to the sea mammals of Australasia. St. Leonards (Australia), Allen & Unwin: 1-176.
Buckingham, C.A., L.W. Lefebvre, J.M. Schaefer, and H.I. Kochman. 1999. Manatee response to boating activity in athermal refuge. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 27(2): 514-522.
Butler, A., and P. Jernaoff. 1999. Seagrass in Australia. Strategic review and development of an R&D Plan. CSIRO Publishing, P.O. Box 1139, Collingwood, Australia.
Carone, G. 1997. Metaxytherium medium (Desmarest) 1822 (Dugongidae, Sirenia, Mammalia), delle arenarie tortoniane di Cessaniti (Calabria, Italia). Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Museo Civ. Stor. Nat. Milano 137(I-II): 91-100. [Engl. summ.]
Chow, B.A. 1997. Biological and management aspects of a Caribbean mangal: West Harbour, Jamaica. Publ. Found. Sci. Res. Carib. Region 139: 1-22.
Cockcroft, V.G., and J. Korrubel. 1997. Dire days for dugongs. Africa Environment & Wildlife 5(1): 28-33.
Cohen, P. 1999. Deaf, not dumb: high-pitched horns might save manatees from motorboats. New Scientist No. 2197, 31 July1999: 20.
Colares, E.P., I.G. Colares, A. Bianchini, and E.A. Santos. 2000. Seasonal variations in blood parameters of the Amazonian manatee, Trichechus inunguis. Brazilian Archs. Biol.& Technol. 43(2): 165-171.
Colbert, D. & Bauer, G.B. (1999). Basic husbandry training of two West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Soundings 24: 18-21.
Corkeron, P.J., N.M. Morissette, L. Porter, and H. Marsh. 1997. Distribution and status of hump-backed dolphins, Sousachinensis, in Australian waters. Asian Marine Biology 14: 49-59.
Costa, D.P., and T.M. Williams. 1999. Marine mammal energetics. Chap. 5 in: Reynolds, J.E., III and S.A. Rommel (eds.). Biology of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst. Press (578 pp.): 176-217.
Cowan, D.F. 2000. Pathologist's report [on a manatee stranded in Texas]. Texas Stranding Newsletter, April 2000: 5.
Cozzuol, M.A. 1996. The record of the aquatic mammals in southern South America. In: G. Arratia (ed.), Contributions of southern South America to vertebrate paleontology. M�nchner Geowiss. Abh., Reihe A, Geol. u. Pal. 30: 321-342.
Craig, B.A., M.A. Newton, R.A. Garrott, J.E. Reynolds, III, and J.R. Wilcox. 1997. Analysis of aerial survey data on Florida manatee using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Biometrics 53(2): 524-541.
Davies, J., K. Higgenbottom, D. Noack, H. Ross, and E.Young. 1999. Sustaining Eden. Indigenous community wildlife management in Australia. Evaluating Eden Series No.1: 126 pp. Biodiversity Group, International Institute for Environment and Development, London.
De Iongh, H. 1999. Optimizing the design of marine reserves to protect dugongs in a small island ecosystem. Tigerpaper (Bangkok) 26(2): 6-13.
De Iongh, H.H. 1996. Current status of dugongs in Aru, E. Indonesia. Nederl. Comm. Internatl. NatuurbeschermingMeded. 30: 75-86.
De Iongh, H.H., B. Bierhuizen, and B. Van Orden. 1997. Observations on the behaviour of the dugong (Dugong dugon M�ller, 1776) from waters of the Lease Islands, eastern Indonesia. Contributions to Zoology (Amsterdam) 67(1): 71-77. [French summ.]
De Iongh, H.H., P. Langeveld, and M. van der Wal. 1998. Movement and home ranges of dugongs around the Lease Islands,East Indonesia. Mar. Ecol. 19(3): 179-193.
De Jong, W.W. 1998. Molecules remodel the mammalian tree. Trends in Ecol. & Evol. 13(7): 270-275.
Dermastia, M. 1997. [Florida manatees and their newly discovered relatives. Morphological studies using molecular biology data.] Proteus 60(2): 79-81.
Deutsch, C.J. 2000. Winter movements and use of warm-water refugia by radio-tagged West Indian manatees along the Atlantic coast of the United States. Final Report prepared for the Florida Power and Light Company and U.S. Geological Survey. 133 pp.
Deutsch, C.J., J.P. Reid, R.K. Bonde, D.E. Easton, H.I. Kochman, and T.J. O'Shea. 2000. Seasonal movements, migratory behavior, and site fidelity of West Indian manatees along the Atlantic coast of the United States as determined by radio-telemetry. Final Report. Research Work Order No. 163. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, U.S. Geological Survey and University of Florida. 254 pp. + xii.
Deutsch, C.J., R.K. Bonde, and J.P. Reid. 1998. Radio-tracking manatees from land and space: tag design, implementation, and lessons learned from long-term study. Marine Technology Society Jour. 32(1): 18-29.
Dhandapani, P., and J.R.B. Alfred. 1998. Conservation of marine mammals in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of India.Indian Jour. Mar. Scis. 27(3-4): 506-508.
DiEdwardo, J.A. 2000. Follow the manatee trail. RoadSmart (Amoco Motor Club), Winter 2000: 22-25.
Dight, I.J., and W. Gladstone. 1994. Torres Strait Baseline Study: pilot study final report, June 1993. Trace metalconcentrations in sediments and selected marine biota as indicator organisms and food items in the diet of Torres StraitIslanders and coastal Papuans. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Research Publ. 29: viii + 259.
Dinesen, Z. 1998. Management of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. In: J.G. Greenwood and N.J. Hall (eds.), Australian Coral Reef Society 75th Anniversary Conference Proc. (viii + 286 pp.): 67-76.
Domning, D. P. 1999. Fossils explained 24: Sirenians (seacows). Geology Today 15(2): 75-79.
Domning, D.P. 1997. Fossil Sirenia of the West Atlantic and Caribbean region. VI. Crenatosiren olseni (Reinhart, 1976). Jour. Vert. Pal. 17(2): 397-412.
Domning, D.P. 1997. Marine mammals. In: F.F. Steininger, S. Iaccarino, & F. Cati (eds.), In search of the Paleogene/Neogene boundary. Part 3: The global stratotype section and point. The GSSP for the base of the Neogene (the Paleogene/Neogene boundary). Giornale di Geologia (3)58(1/2): 177-180.
Domning, D.P. 1999. Endangered species: the common denominator. Chap. 15 in: Twiss, J.R., Jr., and R.R. Reeves (eds.).Conservation and management of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst. Press (xi + 471 pp.):332-341.
Domning, D.P. 1999. Oligocene Sirenia of the Caribbean region. Appendix 1 (p. 29) in: H.L. Dixon and S.K. Donovan, Report of a field meeting to the area around Browns Town, parish of St. Ann, north-central Jamaica, 21st February 1998. Jour. Geol. Soc. Jamaica 33: 24-30.
Domning, D.P. 1999. Sirenians. In: R. Singer (ed.), Encyclopedia of Paleontology. Vol. 2: M-Z. Chicago & London, Fitzroy Dearborn Publs. (xiii+689-1435): 1089-1090.
Domning, D.P. 2000. The readaptation of Eocene sirenians to life in water. Historical Biology 14: 115-119.
Domning, D.P. 2001. Evolution of the Sirenia and Desmostylia. In: V. de Buffr�nil and J-M. Mazin, eds., Secondary Adaptation of Tetrapods to Life in Water. Munich, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil: 151-167.
Domning, D.P. 2001. Sirenians, seagrasses, and Cenozoic ecological change in the Caribbean. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 166(1-2): 27-50.
Domning, D.P. 2001. Supposedly unique features of the desmostylian tibia are also found in other mammals. Bull. Ashoro Museum of Paleontology No. 2: 39-42.
Donder, V. de, N. Gomez-Passamar, M. Guiomar, and P. Goubet. 1999. Sir�nes et sir�niens. BT Magazine Documentaire(Publications de l'�cole Moderne Fran�aise) No. 1106: 1-37. [Describes exhibits at Castellane and Taulanne, France, relatingto the Eocene fossil sirenian site of Taulanne.]
Eberhardt, L.L., R.A. Garrott, and B.L. Becker. 1999. Using trend indices for endangered species. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 15(3):766-785.
Edmonds, J.S., Y. Shibata, R.I.T. Prince, A.R. Preen, and M. Morita. 1997. Elemental composition of a tusk of a dugong, Dugong dugon, from Exmouth, Western Australia. Marine Biology 129: 203-214.
Eduardo, S.L., A.A.P. Yaptinchay, and T.M.S. Lim. 1998. Some helminth parasites of a sea cow (Dugong dugon, Muller, 1776) (Mammalia: Sirenia) in the Philippines. Phil. Jour. Veter. Med. 35(1-2): 27-36.
Elsner, R. 1999. Living in water: solutions to physiological problems. Chap. 3 in: Reynolds, J.E., III and S.A. Rommel (eds.). Biology of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst. Press (578 pp.): 73-116.
Eros, C., H. Marsh, R. Bonde, C. Beck, T. O'Shea, C. Recchia and K. Dobbs. 2000. Procedures for the salvage and necropsy of the dugong (Dugong dugon). Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Townsville, Australia) Research Publication No. 64: 1-74.
Eros, C., R. Bonde, T.J. O'Shea, C. Beck, H. Marsh, C. Recchia, and K. Dobbs, in press. Procedures for the Salvage and Necropsy of the Dugong (Dugong dugon). GBRMPA Technical Report, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, P.O. Box 1139, Townsville, Australia.
Espinoza Mar�n, C., and I. Jim�nez P�rez. 2000. Conociendo al manat�. Ed. 2. San Jos� (Costa Rica), Impresora Tica: [1-16]. [Cartoon coloring book for children, describing the natural history of West Indian manatees and other sirenians.]
Estevens, M. 1998. Mam�feros marinhos do Neog�nico de Portugal. Distribui��o geogr�fica e estratigr�fica. Comunica��es.Actas do V Congresso Nacional de Geologia (Lisbon, Inst. Geol. e Min. and Soc. Geol. de Portugal) 84(1): A161-A164.
Fagone, D.M., S.A. Rommel, and M.E. Bolen. 2000. Sexual dimorphism in vestigial pelvic bones of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Florida Scientist 63(3): 177-181.
Faulkner, D. 2000. Of manatees and man. Xlibris Corp.: 1-101. [Order from: [email protected]]
Feiler, A. 1999. Ausgestorbene S�ugetiere, Typusexemplare und bemerkenswerte Lokalserien von S�ugetieren aus der Sammlung des Staatlichen Museums f�r Tierkunde Dresden (Mammalia). Zool. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierkd. Dresden 50(2)(21): 401-414. [Engl. summ. Lists the elements making up a partial composite skeleton of Hydrodamalis gigas in Dresden.]
Fine, J.C. 1995. Manatees. Sanctuary food grasses menaced. Oceanorama 24: 25-26. June 1995.
Gaeth, A.P., R.V. Short, and M.B. Renfree. 1999. The developing renal, reproductive, and respiratory systems of the African elephant suggest an aquatic ancestry. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96(10): 5555-5558.
Galis, F. 1999. Why do almost all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae? Developmental constraints, Hox genes, andcancer. Jour. Exper. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 285(1): 19-26.
Garcia-Rodriguez, A.I., B.W. Bowen, D.P. Domning, A.A. Mignucci-Giannoni, M. Marmontel, R.A. Montoya-Ospina, B. Morales-Vela, M. Rudin, R.K. Bonde, and P.M. McGuire. 1998. Phylogeography of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus): how many populations and how many taxa? Molecular Ecology 7: 1137-1149.
Geraci, J.R., and V.J. Lounsbury. 1993. Marine mammals ashore: a field guide for strandings. Texas A&M University SeaGrant College Program: xi + 305. (Also available on CD from the National Aquarium in Baltimore.)
Geraci, J.R., J. Harwood, and V.J. Lounsbury. 1999. Marine mammal die-offs: causes, investigations, and issues. Chap. 17 in: J.R. Twiss, Jr., and R.R. Reeves (eds.). Conservation and management of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst. Press (471 pp.): 367-395.
Gerstein, E.R., L. Gerstein, S.E. Forsythe, and J.E. Blue. 1999. The underwater audiogram of the West Indian manatee(Trichechus manatus). Jour. Acoustical Soc. Amer. 105(6): 3575-3587.
Gingerich, P.D., M. Arif, M.A. Bhatti, and W.C. Clyde. 1998. Middle Eocene stratigraphy and marine mammals (Mammalia: Cetacea and Sirenia) of the Sulaiman Range, Pakistan. In: K.C. Beard and M.R. Dawson (eds.), Dawn of the Age of Mammals in Asia. Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. 34: 239-259.
Gingerich, P.D., M. Arif, M.A. Bhatti, M. Anwar, and W.J. Sanders. 1997. Basilosaurus drazindai and Basiloterus hussaini, new Archaeoceti (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Middle Eocene Drazinda Formation, with a revised interpretation of ages of whale-bearing strata in the Kirthar Group of the Sulaiman Range, Punjab (Pakistan). Contr. Mus. Pal. Univ. Michigan 30(2): 55-81. [Reports new material of Protosiren sattaensis.]
Goodwin, M.B., D.P. Domning, JH. Lipps, and C. Benjamini. 1998. The first record of an Eocene (Lutetian) marine mammalfrom Israel. Jour. Vert. Pal. 18(4): 813-815. [Describes a caudal vertebra, possibly of a prorastomid sirenian. ]
Gribble, N.A., G. McPherson, and B. Lane. 1998. Effect of the Queensland Shark Control Program on non-target species:whale, dugong, turtle and dolphin: a review. Mar. & Freshwater Res. 49(7): 645-651.
Griebel, U., and A. Schmid. 1997. Brightness discrimination ability in the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). Jour. Exper. Biol. 200(11): 1587-1592.
Grubb, P., T.S. Jones, A.G. Davies, E. Edberg, E.D. Starin, and J.E. Hill. 1998. Mammals of Ghana, Sierra Leone and The Gambia. St. Ives, Trendrine Press. [T. senegalensis, 138-139.]
Guissamulo, A. 1997. Class Mammalia - marine mammals. In: M.D. Richmond (ed.), A guide to the seashores of eastern Africa and the western Indian Ocean islands. Stockholm, SIDA/Dept. for Research Cooperation, SAREC (448 pp.): 384-389.
Haynes, D., J.F. Muller, and M.S. McLachlan. 1999. Polychlorinated dibenzo-P-dioxins and dibenzofurans in Great BarrierReef (Australia) dugongs (Dugong dugon). Chemosphere 38(2): 255-262.
Heaney, L.R. 1998. A synopsis of the mammalian fauna of the Philippine Islands. Fieldiana: Zoology, n.s. No. 88. [Dugong, p. 53.]
Hill, B.D., I.R. Fraser, and H.C. Prior. 1997. Cryptosporidium infection in a dugong (Dugong dugon). Austral. Vet. Jour. 75(9): 670-671.
Hinze, C., and M. Palomo. 2000. Dugong (Dugong dugon). Texas Stranding Newsletter, April 2000: 8.
Hoffmann, R.S., and D.P. Domning (eds.). 1998. Order of sea cows, or sirenians. In: R.S. Hoffmann (scientific ed.), Englishtranslation of Mammals of the Soviet Union. Volume 11, Part la. Sirenia and Carnivora (sea cows; wolves and bears),by V.G. Heptner et al. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst. Libraries & National Science Foundation (xxii + 733 pp.): 3-49.
Hope Vale Community (1999). A Guugu Yimmithirr Bama Wii. A turtle and dugong hunting management plan. Hope Vale Community, 4871, Australia.
Hotta, A. 1998. Manatee. San Francisco, Chronicle Books: 1-96.
Hulbert, R.C., Jr., R.H. Reinhart, G.S. Morgan, and A.E. Pratt. 2001. Sirenians. Pp. 322-330 in: R.C. Hulbert, Jr. (ed.), The Fossil Vertebrates of Florida. Gainesville, University Press of Florida (350 pp.).
Inuzuka, N. 1996. Body size and mass estimates of desmostylians (Mammalia). Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan 102(9): 816-819.
Inuzuka, N. 1997. Fossil footprints of desmostylians predicted from a restored skeleton. Ichnos 5: 163-166.
Inuzuka, N. 2000. Aquatic adaptations in desmostylians. Historical Biology 14(1-2): 97-113.
Inuzuka, N., M. Kimura, N. Kohno, and H. Sawamura (eds.). 2000. Evolution of Desmostylia: incorporating the proceeding[s] of the Desmostylian Symposium of the Fossil Research Society of Japan 16th Annual Meeting held at the Ashoro Museum of Paleontology, Hokkaido, Japan, 22-23 August 1998. Bull. Ashoro Mus. Pal. No. 1: 1-172. [Includes 12 papers, in English and Japanese, on the paleoecology, morphology, phylogeny, systematics, and biomechanics of desmostylians, including descriptions of new genera and species.]
Jackson, J.B.C. 1997. Reefs since Columbus. Coral Reefs 16 (Suppl.): S23-S32.
Jefferson, T.A., and G.D. Baumgardner. 1997. Osteological specimens of marine mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from the western Gulf of Mexico. Texas Jour. Sci. 49(2): 97-108.
Jefferson, T.A., and S. Leatherwood. 1995. [Marine mammals.] In: W. Fischer, F. Krupp, W. Schneider, C. Sommer, K.E. Carpenter, and V.H. Niem (eds.), Guia FAO para la identificacion de especies para los fines de la pesca. Pacifico centro-oriental. Vol. 3: Vertebrados - Parte 2. [The FAO guide to species identification for use in the Central and Eastern Pacific fishery. Vol. 3: Vertebrates - part 2.] Rome, UNFAO (v + 1201-1813): 1669-1744.
Jim�nez P�rez, I. 2000. Los manat�es del R�o San Juan y los Canales de Tortuguero: ecolog�a y conservaci�n. San Jos� (Costa Rica), Asoc. Comunidades Ecologistas la Ceiba, Amigos de la Tierra: 1-111. [Detailed compilation of the results of manatee research in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, 1996-99. It comprises the most extensive and up-to-date information on manatee biology available in Spanish.]
Jimenez-Marrero, N.M, I. Mendez-Matos, R.A. Montoya Ospina, E.H. Williams, Jr., L. Bunkley-Williams, and A.A.Mignucci Giannoni. 1998. Valores de referencia de inmunoglobulina G en tres poblaciones del manati (Trichechus manatus):Puerto Rico, Colombia y Florida. Carib. Jour. Sci. 34(3-4): 313-315.
Johannes, R.E., and W. MacFarlane. 1991. Traditional fishing in the Torres Strait Islands. Hobart (Australia), CSIRO Division of Fisheries.
Kalandadze, N.N., and A.S. Rautian. 1992. [The system of mammals and historical zoogeography.] Sbor. Tr. Zool. Muz.Moskovskogo Gos. Univ. 29: 44-174. [In Russian. ]
Kalk, M. 1995. Marine mammals: dugong; dolphins; whales. In: M. Kalk (ed.), A natural history of Inhaca Island, Mozambique. Ed. 3. Johannesburg, Witwatersrand Univ. Press (xxi + 395 pp.): 329-330.
Kare, B.D. 1995. A review of research on barramundi, reef fish, dugong, turtles and Spanish mackerel and their fisheries in theTorres Strait adjacent to Papua New Guinea. Science in Papua New Guinea 21(1): 43-54.
Karre, B. 1995. A review of research on barramundi, reef fish, dugong, turtles and Spanish mackerel and their fisheries in the Torres Strait adjacent to Papua New Guinea. Science in New Guinea 21: 43-56.
Kataoka, T. 1997. [Dugong: invitation to sirenian biology.] Tokyo: 1-179. [In Japanese.]
Kataoka, T. 1998. Sirenia - dugong and manatee. Aquabiology 20(1)(114): 36-41. [In Japanese; Engl. summ.]
Kataoka, T., and S. Asano. 1990. The life of dugong. In: N. Miyazaki and T. Kasuya (eds.), Biology of marine mammals. Tokyo, Scientist Inc.: 206-217.
Khacher, L. 1998. Dugong dugong in the Gulf of Kachchh. Jour. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 95(3): 499.
Kimura, M., M. Yahata, H. Sawamura, I. Segawa, A. Suzuki, and Y. Muraishi. 1998. The vertebrate fossils and their horizon from Akan-cho, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku) 52(1): 44-50. [In Japanese. Reports Miocene specimens of Desmostylia.]
Kirk, G. 1996. Fr�he Zeugnisse �ber Anstrengungen zum Naturschutz f�r Seek�he. Manati (Nuremberg) 11(2): 8-9.
Klima, M. 1999. Development of the cetacean nasal skull. Advances in Anat. Embryol. & Cell Biol. 149: viii + 143.
Knappert, J. 1995. Pacific mythology: an encyclopedia of myth and legend. London, Diamond Books: 1-336. [Dugonglegends from Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Manus Islands, p. 68.]
Koelsch, J.K. 1996. Sarasota's manatees. Mote News (Sarasota, Florida, Mote Marine Laboratory) 41(3): 8-10.
Koelsch, J.K. 2001. Reproduction in female manatees observed in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 17(2): 331-342.
Koeppel, D. 1999. Kiss of the manatee. Travel Holiday 182(1): 66, 68-69.
Kondrashov, P.E. 1998. The taxonomic position and relationships of the order Hyracoidea (Mammalia, Eutheria) within theUngulata sensu lato. Pal. Jour. 32(4): 418-428. [Transl. From Russian (Pal. Zhur. 1998(4): 95-105).]
LaBonne, D.L. 1998. Today's innovations in life-support technology set the stage for the 21st century. Amer. Zoo & Aquarium Assoc. Regional Conference Proc. 1998: 476-483.
Lal Mohan, R.S. 1998. Mortality of marine mammals along the Indian coast. Tigerpaper (Bangkok) 25(4): 13-16.
Langtimm, C.A., T.J. O'Shea, R. Pradel, and C.A. Beck. 1998. Estimates of annual survival probabilities for adult Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Ecology 79(3): 981-997.
Lawler, I., and H. Marsh, in press. An unlikely farmer - can dugongs grow their own grass? BBC Wildlife.
Lee, C. 1992. Totally trusting. Mahomet, Illinois, Mayhaven Publishing: x + 212. [Adventure novel for young people, involving Florida manatees.]
Lee-Long, W.J., R.G. Coles, and L.J. McKenzie. 2000. Issues for seagrass conservation management in Queensland. Pacif. Conserv. Biol. 5(4): 321-328.
Lefebvre, L.W., and T.J. O'Shea. 1995. Florida manatees. In: E.T. LaRoe et al. (eds.), Our living resources: a report to thenation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals and ecosystems. Washington, U.S. Dept. of theInterior, Natl. Biol. Serv. (xi + 530 pp.): 267-269.
Lefebvre, L.W., J.P. Reid, W.J. Kenworthy, and J.A. Powell. 2000. Characterizing manatee habitat use and seagrass grazing in Florida and Puerto Rico: implications for conservation and management. Pacif. Conserv. Biol. 5: 289-298.
Linares, O.J. 1998. Mamiferos de Venezuela. Caracas, Soc. Conservacionista Audubon de Venezuela: 1-691.
Liu, F.-G. R., and M.M. Miyamoto. 1999. Phylogenetic assessment of molecular and morphological data for eutherianmammals. Syst. Biol. 48(1): 54-64.
Liu, Z. 1998. Dugong dugon. In: S. Wang (ed.), China Red Data Book of endangered animals. Mammalia. Beijing,Science Press: 208-210.
Louette, M. 1999. La faune terrestre de Mayotte. Ann. Mus. R.. Afr. Cent. (Tervuren), Sci. Zool. 284: 1-248. [Dugong, p. 58.]
Luckett, W.P., and N. Hong. 1998. Phylogenetic relationships between the orders Artiodactyla and Cetacea: a combinedassessment of morphological and molecular evidence. Jour. Mamm. Evol. 5(2): 127-182.
Luszczynski, J. 1994. Costs of manatee rehabilitation at the Lowry Park Zoo. Amer. Zoo & Aquar. Assoc. RegionalConference Proc. 1994: 121-123.
Marchand, D. 1999. Restructuration cr�nienne chez les mammif�res retourn�s � la vie marine. Revue Pal�obiol. (Geneva) 18(1): 197-220.
Marmontel, M., S.R. Humphrey, and T.J. O'Shea. 1997. Population viability analysis of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), 1976-1991. Conserv. Biol. 11(2): 467-481.
Marsh, H. 2000. Evaluating management initiatives aimed at reducing the mortality of dugongs in gill and mesh nets in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Marine Mammal Science 16(3): 684-694.
Marsh, H. 2000. Evaluating management initiatives aimed at reducing the mortality of dugongs in gill and mesh nets in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Marine Mammal Science 16(3).
Marsh, H., A.N.M. Harris, and I.R. Lawler. 1997. The sustainability of the indigenous dugong fishery in Torres Strait, Australia/Papua New Guinea. Conserv. Biol. 11(6): 1375-1386.
Marsh, H., and S. Giffney. 1999. Gentle sea mammals face uncertain future. Geo 21(2): 30-39.
Marsh, H., and S. Giffney. 1999. The biology and conservation of dugong. Sphere Square Newsletter 16: 2-3. [In Japanese.]
Marsh, H., C. Eros, P. Corkeron, and B. Breen. 1999. A conservation strategy for dugongs: implications of Australian research. Mar. Freshwater Res. 50: 979-990.
Marsh, H., C. Eros, P. Corkeron, B. Breen. (in press). The dugong, Dugong dugon, in Australia: a conservation overview. Environment Australia, Canberra.
Marsh, H., P.J. Corkeron, I. Lawler, J.M. Lanyon, and A.R. Preen. 1996. The status of dugongs in the Great Barrier Reef region, south of Cape Bedford. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Research Publication No. 41: 1-80.
Marsh, H., P.W. Arnold, C.J. Limpus, A. Birtles, B. Breen, J. Robins, and R. Williams. 1997. Endangered and charismatic megafauna. In: The Great Barrier Reef: science, use and management. A national conference .... 25-29 November 1996, James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Proceedings, Volume 1, Invited Papers: 124-138.
Marshall, C.D. 1996. The West Indian manatee in Florida. Isana-Kai: Cetaceans, Pinnipeds and Sirenians (Tokyo) 24(24):6-10.
Marshall, C.D., G.D. Huth, V.M. Edwards, D.M. Halin, and R.L. Reep. 1998. Prehensile use of perioral bristles during feeding and associated behaviors of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Mar. Mamm. Sci. 14(2): 274-289.
Marshall, C.D., L.A. Clark, and R.L. Reep. 1998. The muscular hydrostat of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris): a functional morphological model of perioral bristle use. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 14(2): 290-303.
Marshall, C.D., P.S. Kubilis, G.D. Huth, V.M. Edmonds, D.L. Halin, and R.L. Reep. 2000. Food-handling ability and feeding-cycle length of manatees feeding on several species of aquatic plants. Jour. Mamm. 81(3): 649-658.
Mass, A.M., D.K. Odell, D.R. Ketten, and A.Ya. Supin. 1997. Retinal topography and visual acuity in the Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris. Dokl. Akad. Nauk 355(3): 427-430. [In Russian. English translation: Ganglion layer topography and retinal resolution of the Caribbean manatee Trichechus manatus latirostris. Doklady Biological Sciences 355: 392-394, 1997.]
Mattila, D.K., P.J. Clapham, O. Vasquez, and R.S. Bowman. 1994. Occurrence, population composition, and habitat use ofhumpback whales in Samana Bay, Dominican Republic. Canad. Jour. Zool. 72(11): 1898-1907.
Maynard, T. 1999. Manatees: sweet potatoes that swim! Land's End Catalog 36(5): 34-37.
McKenna, M.C., and S.K. Bell. 1997. Classification of mammals above the species level. New York, Columbia Univ. Press: xii + 631.
Mignucci G., A.A., G.M. Toyos G., J. P�rez P., R. Montoya O., & E.H. Williams, Jr. 1997. First osteological collection of marine mammals for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Carib. Jour. Sci. 33(3-4): 288-292.
Mignucci Giannoni, A.A. 1998. Marine mammal captivity in the northeastern Caribbean, with notes on the rehabilitation ofstranded whales, dolphins, and manatees. Carib. Jour. Sci. 34(3-4): 191-203.
Mignucci-G., A.A., C.A. Beck, R.A. Montoya-O., and E.H. Williams, Jr. 1999. Parasites and commensals of the West Indianmanatee from Puerto Rico. Jour, Helminth. Soc. Wash. 66(1): 67-69.
Mignucci-G., A.A., E.H. Williams, Jr., G.M. Toyos-G., J. Perez-P., M.A. Rodriguez-L., M.B. Vega-G., and M. Ventura-G.1999. Helminths from a stranded manatee in the Dominican Republic. Veter. Parasitol. 81(1): 69-71.
Mignucci-G., A.A., R.A. Montoya-O., N.M. Jimenez-M., M.A. Rodriguez-L., E.H. Williams, Jr., and R.K. Bonde. 2000. Manatee mortality in Puerto Rico. Envir. Management 25(2): 189-198.
Mignucci-Giannoni, A.A., and Beck, C.A. 1998. The diet of the manatee (Trichechus manatus) in Puerto Rico. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 14(2): 394-397.
Miller, D.J., and S.K. Donovan. 1996. Geomorphology, stratigraphy and palaeontology of Wait-A-Bit Cave, central Jamaica. Tertiary Research 17(1-2): 33-49. [Eocene sirenian ribs]
Miller, K.E., B.B. Ackerman, L.W. Lefebvre, and K.B. Clifton. 1999. An evaluation of strip-transect aerial survey methodsfor monitoring manatee populations in Florida. Wildlife Society Bulletin 26(3): 561-570.
Mohadin, K. 1993. Conservation of freshwater ecosystems in Suriname. Monog. Biol. 70: 275-284.
Montenegro-Paredes, M.I. 1994. Distribucion espacial de la vaca marina Trichechus inunguis (Mammalia: Sirenia) en el RioAmazonas, Trapecio Amazonico. Trianea 5: 323-334.
Moore, S.S., P. Hale, and K. Byrne. 1998. NCAM: a polymorphic microsatellite locus conserved across eutherian mammalspecies. Animal Genetics 29( 1): 33-36.
Morales V., B., and L.D. Olivera G. 1997. Distribuci�n del manat� (Trichechus manatus) en la costa norte y centro-norte del Estado de Quintana Roo, M�xico. An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Aut�n. M�xico, Ser. Zool. 68(1): 153-164. [Engl. summ.]
Morales-Vela, B., D. Olivera-Gomez, J.E. Reynolds, III, and G.B. Rathbun. 2000. Distribution and habitat use by manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Belize and Chetumal Bay, Mexico. Biological Conservation 95(1): 67-75.
Morgan, U.M., L. Xiao, B.D. Hill, P. O'Donoghue, J. Limor, A. Lal, and R.C.A. Thompson. 2000. Detection of the Cryptosporidium parvum "human" genotype in a dugong (Dugong dugon). Jour. Parasitol. 86(6): 1352-1354.
M�hling, P. 1985. Zum ersten Mal: Drei Seekuhgeburten in einem Zoo. Erfolgreiche Haltung und Zucht von Rundschwanz-Seek�hen (Trichechus manatus). Tiergarten Aktuell (Nuremberg) 1(1): 8-16.
Mukerjee, M. 1998. Stalking the wild dugong: an undersea elephant remains elusive. Scientific American 279(3): 20-21. [Dugongs in the Andaman Islands.]
Mukhametov, L.M., O.I. Lyamin, I.S. Chetyrbok, A.A. Vassilyev, and R.P. Diaz. 1994. Sleep in an Amazonian manatee, Trichechus inunguis. In: V.E. Sokolov (ed.), Mlekopitayushchie Peruanskoi Amazonii [Mammals of Peruvian Amazonia]. Moscow, Nauka (301 pp.): 283-288. [In Russian.]
Muller, J.F., D. Haynes, and M.S. McLachlan. 1998. PCDD/Fs in the Great Barrier Reef environment of Australia. Organohalogen Compounds 39: 105-108.
Nakaoka, M., and K. Aioi. 1999.Growth of seagrass Halophila ovalis at dugong trails compared to existing within-patch variation in a Thailand intertidal flat. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 184: 97-103.
Nateekanjanalarp, S., and S. Sudara. 1994. Dugong protection awareness: an approach for coastal conservation. ThirdASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources (Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University), Proceedings, Vol. 2, Research Papers: 515-525.
Ness, T.L., Bradley, W.G., Reynolds, J.E., III, and Roess, W.B. 1998. Isolation and expression of the interleukin-2 gene from the killer whale, Orcinus orca. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 14(3): 531-543. [Includes comparisons with Florida manatee IL-2.]
Nicole, M., M. Egnankou-Wadja, and M. Schmidt (eds.). 1994. A preliminary inventory of coastal wetlands of C�ted'Ivoire. Gland, IUCN: viii + 80.
Noreno-Barroso, E., O. Zapata-Perez, V. Ceja-Moreno, and G. Gold-Bouchot. 1998. Hydrocarbon and organochlorine residue concentrations in sediments from Bay of Chetumal, Mexico. Bull. Envir. Contam. & Toxicol. 61(1): 80-87.
Ojeda-C., M.M. 1997. Wildlife management in Venezuela: experiences and future perspectives. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 25(1): 49-56.
Oliver, J., and R. Berkelmans. 1999. A dugong research strategy for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and Hervey Bay. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Res. Publ. 58: iii + 52.
Ortiz, R.M., G.A.J. Worthy, and D.S. MacKenzie. 1998. Osmoregulation in wild and captive West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus). Physiol. Zool. 71(4): 449-457.
Ortiz, R.M., G.A.J. Worthy, and F.M. Byers. 1999. Estimation of water turnover rates of captive West Indian manatees(Trichechus manatus) held in fresh and salt water. Jour. Exper. Biol. 202(1): 33-38.
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Pervesler, P., R. Roetzel, and O. Mandic. 1998. Sirenenlagerst�tten in den marinen Flachwasser-Ablagerungen derEggenburger Bucht (Burgschleinitz-Formation, Eggenburgium, Untermioz�n). Geol. Pal. Mitt. Innsbruck 23: 87-103. [Engl.summ.]
Peterken, C.J., and C.A. Conacher. 1997. Seed germination and recolonisation of Zostera capricorni after grazing by dugongs. Aquatic Botany 59(3-4): 333-340.
Pierson, P., and B.D. Kendall. 1994. Petrified mammal remains in southern Monterey County. Bull. So. Calif. Paleont. Soc.26(1-2): 13
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Preen, A., J. Thompson, and P. Corkeron. 1992. Wildlife and management: dugongs, whales and dolphins. In: O.N. Crimp(ed.), Moreton Bay in the balance. Moorooka, Australian Littoral Soc. (ix + 127 pp.): 61-70.
Preen, A.R. 1998. Marine protected areas and dugong conservation along Australia's Indian Ocean coast. Envir. Management 22(2): 173-181.
Qiu, Y. 1993. The heart of newly-born North American manatee. Chinese Wildlife 3: 40.
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Ramakrishna, S. Talukdar, J. Sarkar, and S. Mitra. 1999. Dugong and dolphin stranded at Digha Beach, West Bengal. Environment and Ecology (Kalyani) 17(4): 1031-1032.
Rao, G.C. 1990. Present status of the sea cow, Dugong dugon (Muller) in Bay Islands. Jour. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 6(2): 181-186.
Rathbun, G.B. 1998. Sea cows - Order Sirenia. In: Wild animals of North America. Washington, National GeographicSociety (200 pp.): 146-151.
Rathbun, G.B., and R.L. Wallace. 2000. Florida manatee. In: R. P. Reading and B. Miller (eds.), Endangered animals: a reference guide to conflicting issues. Westport (Connecticut), Greenwood Press (383 pp.): 107-111.
Reep, R.L., C.D. Marshall, M.L. Stoll, and D.M. Whitaker. 1998. Distribution and innervation of facial bristles and hairs in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Mar. Mamm. Sci. 14(2): 257-273.
Reeves, R.R., and J.G. Mead. 1999. Marine mammals in captivity. Chap. 19 in: J.R. Twiss, Jr., and R.R. Reeves (eds.). Conservation and management of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst. Press (471 pp.): 412-436.
Reinhard, R. 1996. Kurze Seekuh-Notizen aus S�dostasien. Manati (Nuremberg) 11(2): 22-24.
Reynolds, J.E., III and S.A. Rommel (eds.). 1999. Biology of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst.Press: 1-600.
Reynolds, J.E., III, D.K. Odell, and S.A. Rommel. 1999. Marine mammals of the world. Chap. 1 in: Reynolds, J.E., III and S.A. Rommel (eds.). Biology of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst. Press (578 pp.): 1-14.
Reynolds, J.E., III. 1999. Efforts to conserve the manatees. Chap. 12 in: Twiss, J.R., Jr., and R.R. Reeves (eds.).Conservation and management of marine mammals. Washington & London, Smithsonian Inst. Press (xi + 471 pp.):267-295.
Rice, D.W. 1998. Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Soc. for Marine Mammalogy, SpeciaI Publ.No. 4. [Sirenians, 127-133.]
Richard-Hansen, C., J.C. Vie, N. Vidal, and J. Keravec. 1999. Body measurements on 40 species of mammals from FrenchGuiana. Jour. Zool. 247(4): 419-428.
Richardson, W.J., C.R. Green, Jr., C.I. Malme, and D.H. Thomson. 1995. Marine mammals and noise. San Diego, Academic Press: xvi + 576.
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Rommel, S.A., and J.E. Reynolds, III. 2000. Diaphragm structure and function in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Anat. Record 259(1): 41-51.
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Russell, B.J. 1996. Hugh and Buffett. Mote News (Sarasota, Florida, Mote Marine Laboratory) 41(3): 5. [On two captive manatees.]
Schiro, A.J., L.P. May, and D.C. Fertl. 1996. Manatee occurrences in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. [Abstr.] Whalewatcher (Jour. Amer. Cetacean Soc.) 30(1): 28-29.
Seifert, D.D. 1996. The sirenian's final aria, part two: Some good news, some bad news, and a spoonful of sugar. Ocean Realm, Summer 1996: 8-10.
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Silva, M., and J.A. Downing. 1995. CRC handbook of mammalian body masses. Boca Raton, CRC Press: 1-359. [Sirenians, p. 281.]
Silva, M.A., A. Ara�jo, F. Djedo, L. Gomes, and H. Monteiro. 1999. Status of the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) in Guinea-Bissau. European Research on Cetaceans 13: 263-266.
Silva, M.A., and A. Ara�jo. 2001. Distribution and current status of the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) in Guinea-Bissau. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 17(2): 418-424.
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Springer, M.S., and H.M. Amrine. 1999. Additional support for Afrotheria and Paenungulata, the performance ofmitochondrial versus nuclear genes, and the impact of data partitions with heterogeneous base composition. Syst. Biol. 48(1):65-75.
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Stanhope, M.J., V.G. Waddell, O. Madsen, W. de Jong, S.B. Hedges, G.C. Cleven, D. Kao, and M.S. Springer. 1998.Molecular evidence for multiple origins of Insectivora and for a new order of endemic African insectivore mammals. Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95: 9967-9972.
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Stensland, E., P. Berggren, R. Johnstone, and N. Jiddawi. 1998. Marine mammals in Tanzanian waters: urgent need for statusassessment. Ambio 27(8): 771-774.
Stewart, D. 1999. Making sense of manatees. National Wildlife 37(3): 40-47.
Stinson, D.W. 1994. Birds and mammals recorded from the Marianas Islands. Nat. Hist. Research, Special Issue 1:333-344.
Stuart, C., and T. Stuart. 1992. Southern, Central and East African mammals: A photographic guide. Sanibel Island(Florida), Ralph Curtis Books: 1-144. [Dugong, p. 97.]
Supanwanid, C. 1996. Recovery of the seagrass Halophila ovalis after grazing by dugong. In: J. Kuo, R.C. Phillips, D.I.Walker, and H. Kirkman (eds.), Seagrass biology: proceedings of an international workshop, Rottnest Island, WesternAustralia, 25-29 January 1996:315-318.
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Taylor, M.A. 2000. Functional significance of bone ballast in the evolution of buoyancy control strategies by aquatic tetrapods. Historical Biology 14(1-2): 15-31.
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