Sirenian International, Inc.

Call for Proposals

Sirenian International is a grassroots organization dedicated to manatee & dugong research, education, and conservation worldwide.  We are interested in sponsoring research, conservation, and education projects involving manatees and/or dugongs around the world, with priority given to projects in developing nations where funding is traditionally difficult to secure.

Typical awards are US $500 - $1,000. Please send a preliminary email to Sirenian International Grant Proposals to determine current availability of funding.


Sirenian International is a grassroots organization dedicated to worldwide manatee and dugong conservation through research, education, and inter-cultural collaboration. Our Board of Directors is interested in supporting research, conservation, and education projects involving manatees and/or dugongs around the world, with priority given to projects in developing nations where funding is traditionally difficult to secure. Since 2001, we have awarded 10 small grants to projects in Vietnam, Gabon, Colombia, Thailand, Venezuela, Cambodia, Palau, India and Sri Lanka. We do not currently fund projects in the United States or Australia. Typical awards are US $500 - $1,000.

There is no deadline for application; proposals are accepted year-round. HOWEVER, grants are awarded subject to review by our Scientific Advisory Council and the availability of funds. Please send a preliminary email to Sirenian International Grant Proposals (c/o [email protected]) to determine current availability of funds and status of the review process, which is semi-annual and roughly correlated with Sirenews publication dates of April and October.

In keeping with our mission of sirenian conservation through inter-cultural collaboration, we encourage networking, community outreach, and student development components in all proposals. We will use the following criteria to evaluate grant proposals:

Sirenian International believes that the benefits of projects meeting the above criteria reach far beyond research and academia, to facilitate sharing of knowledge with local communities, students, governmental agencies, non-governmental agencies, and other conservation groups. Although our focus is on manatees and dugongs, SI hopes that our grant applicants will better understand the complexity of conservation issues, and the compelling need for partnerships among all parties involved, in both developing and industrialized nations.

Each grant recipient agrees to register with Sirenian International as a Participating Member and to submit information about their project to SI for use on our website and in our newsletter. To apply for a small grant, please submit the following:

IMPORTANT: Electronic submissions are preferred. DO combine the cover letter, proposal, CV, budget, etc., in ONE file and send as attachment to e-mail [MSWord document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf)]. DO NOT use fancy formatting; DO NOT include images or photos in the document; DO have your reference letters sent in the same manner. Submit to [email protected]. For more information about Sirenian International, please visit our website at or contact Caryn Self Sullivan (snail mail: 200 Stonewall Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 USA; e-mail: [email protected]). All applications will be sent for review to our Scientific Advisory Council (SAC); grants will be awarded by our Board of Directors (BOD) based on recommendations from the SAC and the availability of funds. Sirenian International, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation.

RETURN to SI's Grants and Internships

Make Donations via Network for Good and 97% of your donation comes to Sirenian International
(c) 2000-2004 Sirenian International, Inc.
SNAIL MAIL TO: Sirenian International, Inc., 200 Stonewall Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 USA
Sirenian International, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation.
All contributions are tax deductible within the limits of the law.
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